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001-es BibID:BIBFORM119218
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85144786014
Első szerző:Bramantoro, Taufan
Cím:The Effect of Caries on the Chewing Ability of Children: A Scoping Review / Bramantoro, Taufan ; Irmalia, Wahyuning Ratih ; Santoso, Cornelia Melinda Adi ; Mohd Nor, Nor Azlida ; Utomo, Haryono ; Ramadhani, Aulia ; Kristanti, Risma Aprinda ; Nugraha, Alexander Patera
ISSN:1305-7456 1305-7464
Megjegyzések:Childhood caries might have several effects on the children's general health and growth, including chewing ability. This study aims to identify the evidences found regarding the effect of caries on the chewing ability of children through a scoping review. A scoping review literature search was performed in three databases (Scopus, PUBMED, and Web of Science) without restricting the publicized year. The selected articles were using human as its subjects and aiming to analyze the effects of caries on mastication ability in children. Ten articles matched the inclusion criteria of this review. All the articles suggested a deleterious effect of caries on masticatory performance, maximum bite force, swallowing threshold, and even masticatory behavior. Two of them stated that the effect was reversible by giving dental treatment. This scoping review concludes a negative effect of caries on the children's chewing ability.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Egészségtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
children oral health
masticatory performance
Megjelenés:European Journal of Dentistry. - 17 : 04 (2022), p. 1012-1019. -
További szerzők:Irmalia, Wahyuning Ratih Santoso, Cornelia Melinda Adi (1993-) Mohd Nor, Nor Azlida Utomo, Haryono Ramadhani, Aulia Kristanti, Risma Aprinda Nugraha, Alexander Patera
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