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001-es BibID:BIBFORM020103
Első szerző:Erdei Nóra (orvos)
Cím:High-fat diet-induced reduction in nitric oxide-dependent arteriolar dilation in rats: role of xanthine oxidase-derived superoxide anion / Nóra Erdei, Attila Tóth, Enikő T. Pásztor, Zoltán Papp, István Édes, Akos Koller, Zsolt Bagi
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:American Journal Of Physiology-Heart And Circulatory Physiology. - 291 : 5 (2006), p. H2107-H2115. -
További szerzők:Tóth Attila (1971-) (biológus) Pásztorné Tóth Enikő (1966-) (laboratóriumi analitikus) Papp Zoltán (1965-) (kardiológus, élettanász) Édes István (1952-) (kardiológus) Koller Ákos Bagi Zsolt (1974-) (orvos)
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat


001-es BibID:BIBFORM005634
Első szerző:Jebelovszki Éva
Cím:High-fat diet-induced obesity leads to increased NO sensitivity of rat coronary arterioles : role of soluble guanylate cyclase activation / Jebelovszki, E., Kiraly, C., Erdei, N., Feher, A., Pasztor, T. E., Rutkai, I., Forster, T., Edes, I., Koller, A., Bagi, Z.
ISSN:0363-6135 (Print)
Megjegyzések:The impact of obesity on nitric oxide (NO)-mediated coronary microvascular responses is poorly understood. Thus NO-mediated vasomotor responses were investigated in pressurized coronary arterioles ( approximately 100 microm) isolated from lean (on normal diet) and obese (fed with 60% of saturated fat) rats. We found that dilations to acetylcholine (ACh) were not significantly different in obese and lean rats (lean, 83 +/- 4%; and obese, 85 +/- 3% at 1 microM), yet the inhibition of NO synthesis with N(omega)-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester reduced ACh-induced dilations only in vessels of lean controls. The presence of the soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) inhibitor oxadiazolo-quinoxaline (ODQ) elicited a similar reduction in ACh-induced dilations in the two groups of vessels (lean, 60 +/- 11%; and obese, 57 +/- 3%). Dilations to NO donors, sodium nitroprusside (SNP), and diethylenetriamine (DETA)-NONOate were enhanced in coronary arterioles of obese compared with lean control rats (lean, 63 +/- 6% and 51 +/- 5%; and obese, 78 +/- 5% and 70 +/- 5%, respectively, at 1 microM), whereas dilations to 8-bromo-cGMP were not different in the two groups. In the presence of ODQ, both SNP and DETA-NONOate-induced dilations were reduced to a similar level in lean and obese rats. Moreover, SNP-stimulated cGMP immunoreactivity in coronary arterioles and also cGMP levels in carotid arteries were enhanced in obese rats, whereas the protein expression of endothelial NOS and the sGC beta1-subunit were not different in the two groups. Collectively, these findings suggest that in coronary arterioles of obese rats, the increased activity of sGC leads to an enhanced sensitivity to NO, which may contribute to the maintenance of NO-mediated dilations and coronary perfusion in obesity.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Elméleti orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Adaptation, Physiological
Blotting, Western
Coronary Vessels
Cyclic GMP
Dietary Fats
Disease Models, Animal
Dose-Response Relationship, Drug
Enzyme Activation
Enzyme Inhibitors
Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay
Guanylate Cyclase
NG-Nitroarginine Methyl Ester
Nitric Oxide
Nitric Oxide Donors
Nitric Oxide Synthase Type II
Nitroso Compounds
Rats, Wistar
Receptors, Cytoplasmic and Nuclear
Vasodilator Agents
Megjelenés:American Journal of Physiology. Heart and Circulatory Physiology. - 294 : 6 (2008), p. H2558-H2564. -
További szerzők:Király Csaba Erdei Nóra (1979-) (orvos) Fehér Attila (1982-) (orvos) Pásztorné Tóth Enikő (1966-) (laboratóriumi analitikus) Rutkai Ibolya (1985-) (molekuláris biológus) Forster Tamás Édes István (1952-) (kardiológus) Koller Ákos Bagi Zsolt (1974-) (orvos)
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