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001-es BibID:BIBFORM079602
Első szerző:Fekete István
Cím:Long-term effects of climate change on carbon storage and tree species composition in a dry deciduous forest / István Fekete, Kate Lajtha, Zsolt Kotroczó, Gábor Várbíró, Csaba Varga, János Attila Tóth, Ibolya Demeter, Gábor Veperdi, Imre Berki
Megjegyzések:Forest vegetation and soils have been suggested as potentially important sinks forcarbon (C) with appropriate management and thus are implicated as effective toolsin stabilizing climate even with increasing anthropogenic release of CO2. Drought,however, which is often predicted to increase in models of future climate change,may limit net primary productio (NPP) of dry forest types, with unknown effects onsoil C storage. We studied C dynamics of a deciduous temperate forest of Hungarythat has been subject to significant decreases in precipitation and increases in tem-perature in recent decades. We resampled plots that were established in 1972 andrepeated the full C inventory by analyzing more than 4 decades of data on the num-ber of living trees, biomass of trees and shrubs, and soil C content. Our analysesshow that the decline in number and biomass of oaks started around the end of the1970s with a 71% reduction in the number of sessile oak stems by 2014. Projectedgrowth in this forest, based on the yield table's data for Hungary, was 4.6 kg C/m2.Although new species emerged, this new growth and small increases in oak biomassresulted in only 1.9 kg C/m2increase over 41 years. The death of oaks increasedinputs of coarse woody debris to the surface of the soil, much of which is still iden-tifiable, and caused an increase of 15.5%, or 2.6 kg C/m2, in the top 1 m of soil.Stability of this fresh organic matter input to surface soil is unknown, but is likely tobe low based on the results of a colocated woody litter decomposition study. Theeffects of a warmer and drier climate on the C balance of forests in this region willbe felt for decades to come as woody litter inputs decay, and forest growth remainsimpeded.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
coarse woody debris
dry conditions in forest
forest stand composition and diversity change
net primary production
oak decline
Síkfőkút Forest
soil carbon storage
Megjelenés:Global Change Biology. - 23 : 8 (2017), p. 3154-3168. -
További szerzők:Lajtha, Kate Kotroczó Zsolt (1975-) (biológus, ökológus) Várbíró Gábor (biológus) Varga Csaba Tóth János Attila (1945-) (ökológus) Demeter Ibolya (1985-) (anyagmérnök) Veperdi Gábor Berki Imre
Pályázati támogatás:GINOP 2.3.3-15-2016-00019
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