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001-es BibID:BIBFORM113249
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)117917 (WoS)000984910000001 (Scopus)85152428281
Első szerző:Borza Sándor (biológus)
Cím:Better safe than sorry - Understanding the attitude and habits of drivers can help mitigating animal-vehicle collisions / Sándor Borza, Laura Godó, Orsolya Valkó, Zsolt Végvári, Balázs Deák
Megjegyzések:The rapidly growing global road networks put serious pressures on terrestrial ecosystems and increase the number and severity of human-wildlife conflicts, which in most cases manifest in animal-vehicle collisions (AVCs). AVCs pose serious problems both for biodiversity conservation and traffic safety: each year, millions of vertebrates are roadkilled globally and the related economic damage is also substantial. For a comprehensive understanding of factors influencing AVC it is essential to explore the human factor, that is, the habits and attitude of drivers; however, to date, comprehensive surveys are lacking on this topic. Here we addressed this knowledge gap and surveyed the habits of drivers and their experience and attitude towards AVCs by a comprehensive questionnaire covering a large geographical area and involving a large number of respondents (1942 completed questionnaires). We aimed to reveal how driving habits affect the chance of AVC, and explored the attitude of the drivers regarding AVC. We found that the number of lifetime AVC cases was higher for male drivers, for those who drove longer distances per year, had more driven years, used country roads or drove large vehicles. Our results showed that almost half of the drivers surveyed had experienced at least one AVC in their lifetime. Drivers' attitudes towards the importance of nature conservation or traffic safety in the aspect of AVC, and fear of collision showed a significant correlation with experienced AVC cases. Drivers' opinions indicated that the most trusted and desired AVC prevention measures were physical objects such as fences and wildlife crossings. Our research provides guidelines for developing targeted initiatives in the future to increase awareness about the significance of AVC and target those drivers who are most vulnerable to AVC.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Journal Of Environmental Management. - 339 (2023), p. 1-8. -
További szerzők:Godó Laura (1992-) (biológus, ökológus) Valkó Orsolya (1985-) (biológus) Végvári Zsolt (1969-) (biológus) Deák Balázs (1978-) (biológus)
Pályázati támogatás:KDP 2020 967901
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM099922
Első szerző:Borza Sándor (biológus)
Cím:Photo Story - Conservation values of the alkaline grasslands : Hortobágy National Park, East Hungary / Borza Sándor, Deák Balázs, Godó Laura, Valkó Orsolya
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Környezettudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Palaearctic Grasslands. - 46 (2020), p. 64-72. -
További szerzők:Deák Balázs (1978-) (biológus) Godó Laura (1992-) (biológus, ökológus) Valkó Orsolya (1985-) (biológus)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM099920
Első szerző:Borza Sándor (biológus)
Cím:A közúti közlekedés természetkárosító hatása a magyarországi gerincesfaunára : Szakirodalmi áttekintés / Borza Sándor, Godó Laura, Csathó András István, Valkó Orsolya, Deák Balázs
Megjegyzések:A közlekedés a civilizáció mindennapos velejárója, működésének egyik legfontosabb alappillére. Az elmúlt évtizedekben világszerte jelentős mértékben növekedett az úthálózatok hos - sza és a forgalomban levő gépjárművek száma. A közlekedési infrastruktúra terjeszkedése, valamint a megnövekedett forgalom amellett, hogy megnövekedett környezeti terheléshez és az élőhelyek fragmentációjához vezet, jelentősen növeli az állatok gépjárművekkel történő ütközésének esélyét is. Vizsgálatunkban összegyűjtöttük a magyarországi vonatkozású publikációkat annak érdekében, hogy rámutassunk a közúti közlekedésnek a kétéltű-, hüllő-, madár- és emlős-populációkra kifejtett káros hatásaira. Az irodalmi áttekintés során 41 közleményt találtunk, amelyekben 153 gerincesfaj pusztulását regisztrálták a szerzők. Eredményeink rámutatnak, hogy közúti gázolások következtében milliárdos nagyságrendű természetvédelmi kár keletkezett, és keletkezik jelenleg is a magyarországi gerincesfaunában.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Környezettudományok magyar nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
állat-gépjármű ütközés
gépkocsik által elütött állatok
természetvédelmi kár
Megjelenés:Természetvédelmi közlemények. - 27 (2021), p. 1-17. -
További szerzők:Godó Laura (1992-) (biológus, ökológus) Csathó András István Valkó Orsolya (1985-) (biológus) Deák Balázs (1978-) (biológus)
Pályázati támogatás:NKFI KDP 967901
NKFI FK 124404
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM114908
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)e14148 (WoS)001066102700001 (Scopus)85178170412
Első szerző:Deák Balázs (biológus)
Cím:Contribution of cultural heritage values to steppe conservation on ancient burial mounds of Eurasia / Deák, Balázs; Bede, Ádám; Rádai, Zoltán; Dembicz, Iwona; Apostolova, Iva; Batáry, Péter; Gallé, Róbert; Tóth, Csaba Albert; Dózsai, József; Moysiyenko, Ivan I.; Sudnik-Wójcikowska, Barbara; Zachwatowicz, Maria; Nekhrizov, Georgi; Lisetskii, Fedor N.; Buryak, Zhanna A.; Kis, Szabolcs; Borza, Sándor; Godó, Laura; Bragina, Tatyana M.; Smelansky, Ilya; Molnár, Ábel; Bán, Miklós; Báthori, Ferenc; Árgay, Zoltán; Dani, János; Kiss, Réka; Valkó, Orsolya
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Conservation Biology. - 2023 (2023), p. 1-13 . -
További szerzők:Bede Ádám Rádai Zoltán (1991-) (biológus) Dembicz, Iwona Apostolova, Iva Batáry Péter Gallé Róbert Tóth Csaba Albert (1971-) (geográfus) Dózsai József Moysiyenko, Ivan I. Sudnik-Wójcikowska Barbara Zachwatowicz, Maria Nekhrizov, Georgi Lisetskii, Fedor Buryak, Zhana Kis Szabolcs Borza Sándor (1989-) (biológus) Godó Laura (1992-) (biológus, ökológus) Bragina, Tatyana M. Smelansky, Ilya Molnár Ábel (1987-) (orvos) Bán Miklós (1975-) (biológus) Báthori Ferenc (1988-) (biológus) Árgay Zoltán Dani János Kiss Réka (1990-) (biológus, ökológus) Valkó Orsolya (1985-) (biológus)
Pályázati támogatás:135329
Hungarian National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NKFI KKP 144096)
Hungarian National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NKFIH KKP 133839)
Bulgarian National Science Fund (contract K??06-H21/2, 2018)
Polish National Science Centre (grant DEC-2013/09/N/NZ8/03234)
Scientific Research Committee, Poland (grants 2PO4G04627 and NN304081835)
NKFIH KDP 967901
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM113212
035-os BibID:(WoS)001021882600001 (Scopus)85160226873 (cikkazonosító)e025198
Első szerző:Godó Laura (biológus, ökológus)
Cím:Owl-mediated diploendozoochorous seed dispersal increases dispersal distance and supports seedling establishment / Laura Godó, Sándor Borza,Orsolya Valkó, Zoltán Rádai, Balázs Deák
Megjegyzések:Seed dispersal is an essential process contributing to the maintenance of plant populations. Zoochory is a widespread way of plant dispersal in every terrestrial ecosystem that can ensure the long-distance dispersal of seeds. Secondary seed dispersal (SSD) by far-ranging raptors is a special type of zoochory, which might have a role in colonizing new habitats. We used the barn owl (Tyto alba) as model species to test the effectivity and seasonality of SSD in open semi-natural landscapes. We collected 582 pellets from six sites in East Hungary throughout one year. We identified prey items in the pellets and determined the viable seed content of the pellets by germination experiments. We found that herbivorous Microtus arvalis L. was the most abundant prey item through which most of the seeds spread. Owls dispersed the seeds of generalist and disturbancetolerant plants, indicating the habitat type where small mammals occur abundantly. In another experiment we tested the effect of the pellet material on the seedling survival and found that prey remains enhanced establishment of seedlings. Our study suggests that SSD by barn owl is occasional but important event in long-distance seed dispersal. Since the studied owl species uses several habitat types and has larger mobility than the rodents, the revealed dispersal mechanism can considerably increase seed dispersal distance and seed exchange between habitat types.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Barn owl
Farmland birds
Nocturnal raptor
Pellet Rodent
Megjelenés:Global Ecology and Conservation. - 45 (2023), p. 1-11. -
További szerzők:Borza Sándor (1989-) (biológus) Valkó Orsolya (1985-) (biológus) Rádai Zoltán (1991-) (biológus) Deák Balázs (1978-) (biológus)
Pályázati támogatás:NTP-NFTÖ-20-B-0003
MEC R 141151
FK 135329
KKP 144096
KDP 2020 967901
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM099914
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)e01982 (WoS)000734887900005 (Scopus)85121727884
Első szerző:Godó Laura (biológus, ökológus)
Cím:A global review on the role of small rodents and lagomorphs (clade Glires) in seed dispersal and plant establishment / Godó Laura, Valkó Orsolya, Borza Sándor, Deák Balázs
Megjegyzések:Zoochory is an ecologically and evolutionarily important seed dispersal type. The decline and extinction of seed-dispersing large herbivores severely threatens dispersal-driven ecosystem processes in many regions. Hence the relative importance of small rodents and lagomorphs (Glires, Mammalia) as dispersal vectors might increase due to their ubiquity, diversity and abundance. Here we provide a review of rodent- and lagomorph-mediated seed dispersal based on approximately 600 papers found in an extensive literature search. We highlight that small rodents and lagomorphs disperse seeds via various mechanisms. The seldom documented epi- and endozoochory are probably universal in these groups. Due to their small home range, short fur and small body size, these mechanisms generally operate at small scales and mainly for small seeds. Taxon-specific feeding, nesting and behavioural characteristics provide a wide spectrum of other seed dispersal types, such as synzoochory (food caching). The studied taxa generally sup- port seed dispersal within a particular habitat patch, contributing to the persistence of local populations, but in rare cases, long-distance dispersal events might occur. Besides seed dispersal, rodents and lagomorphs can also support plant establishment and provide safe sites for seeds where they can survive stochastic events. Studies reviewed here show a strong bias both in scope and geographical distribution: synzoochorous dispersal of woody plants is known in detail, and most studies were conducted in the same few countries and habitat types. In contrast, other mechanisms such as endozoochory, epizoochory and habitat types like grasslands and anthro- pogenic habitats have rarely been studied. We show examples on ecosystem services and dis- services related to rodent- and lagomorph-mediated seed dispersal as well as the importance of these processes in habitat conservation and restoration.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Környezettudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
dispersal vector
habitat loss
plant-animal interaction
plant recruitment
Megjelenés:Global Ecology and Conservation. - 33 (2022), p. 1-17. -
További szerzők:Valkó Orsolya (1985-) (biológus) Borza Sándor (1989-) (biológus) Deák Balázs (1978-) (biológus)
Pályázati támogatás:NKFI FK 124404
NKFI KH 139937
NKFI FK 135329
NKFI KDP 967901
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM099931
035-os BibID:(cikkazonosító)e13051
Első szerző:Kiss Réka (biológus, ökológus)
Cím:Zoochory on and off: A field experiment for trait-based analysis of establishment success of grassland species / Kiss Réka, Deák Balázs, Tóthmérész Béla, Miglécz Tamás, Tóth Katalin, Török Péter, Lukács Katalin, Godó Laura, Körmöczi Zsófia, Radócz Szilvia, Borza Sándor, Kelemen András, Sonkoly Judit, Kirmer Anita, Tischew Sabine, Valkó Orsolya
ISSN:1100-9233 1654-1103
Megjegyzések:We tested the establishment success of grassland species in the presence or absence of zoochory by livestock and identified the traits associated with successful establishment. Hortobágy National Park, Hungary. In six restored species-poor grasslands we established two species-rich 4 m ? 4 m source plots per site in 2013. One source plot was managed by extensive cattle grazing ("zoochory on"), the other one was fenced and protected from grazers ("zoochory off"). We monitored the vegetation development in the source plots (2014?2018), and the establishment success of sown species (2016?2018) in adjacent dispersal plots in four, 20-m-long strips per source plot in a total of 960 dispersal plots. We calculated community-weighted means of thirteen plant traits related to regeneration and competitive ability. The effect of grazing, year, distance from source plots, grazing?year and grazing?distance interactions on population and trait dynamics in the source and dispersal plots were analysed with generalized linear mixed-effect models. Although grazing reduced the cover and flowering success of sown species in the source plots, the number of successful establishment events was higher in dispersal plots next to grazed source plots. The sown species were the most abundant in plots adjacent to source plots, but occurred at all monitored distances. Zoochory favoured perennial plants with high specific leaf area (SLA), low leaf dry matter content (LDMC), short stature, light seeds, early flowering period, high clonal index and anemochory index. We showed that species that can colonize the matrix with and without zoochory have contrasting trait syndromes. In grazing-adapted ecosystems, fencing source populations of target species does not always seem to be a good option. It was a good tool for increasing the cover and flowering success of the sown species in the short run, but it significantly decreased their chance to colonize the surrounding area in the long run.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Környezettudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Journal Of Vegetation Science. - 32 : 4 (2021), p. 1-12. -
További szerzők:Deák Balázs (1978-) (biológus) Tóthmérész Béla (1960-) (ökológus) Miglécz Tamás (1986-) (biológus ökológus) Tóth Katalin (1988-) (biológus) Török Péter (1979-) (biológus-ökológus) Lukács Katalin (1993-) (biológus) Godó Laura (1992-) (biológus, ökológus) Körmöczi Zsófia Radócz Szilvia (1988-) (biológus) Borza Sándor (1989-) (biológus) Kelemen András (1986-) (biológus-ökológus) Sonkoly Judit (1989-) (biológus) Kirmer, Anita (1970-) (biológus) Tischew, Sabine (1964-) (biológus) Valkó Orsolya (1985-) (biológus)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM101279
035-os BibID:(WoS)000785983700004 (Scopus)85128657457
Első szerző:Tóth Ágnes
Cím:Vertical distribution of soil seed bank and the ecological importance of deeply buried seeds in alkaline grasslands / Tóth Ágnes, Deák Balázs, Tóth Katalin, Kiss Réka, Lukács Katalin, Rádai Zoltán, Godó Laura, Borza Sándor, Kelemen András, Miglécz Tamás, Bátori Zoltán, Novák Tibor József, Valkó Orsolya
Megjegyzések:Background: Soil seed banks play a central role in vegetation dynamics and may be an important source of ecological restoration. However, the vast majority of seed bank studies examined only the uppermost soil layers (0?10 cm); hence, our knowledge on the depth distribution of seed bank and the ecological significance of deeply buried seeds is limited. The aim of our study was to examine the fine-scale vertical distribution of soil seed bank to a depth of 80 cm, which is one of the largest studied depth gradients so far. Our model systems were alkaline grasslands in East- Hungary, characterised by harsh environmental conditions, due to Solonetz soil reference group with Vertic horizon. We asked the following questions: (1) How do the seedling density and species richness of soil seed bank change along a vertical gradient and to what depth can germinable seeds be detected? (2) What is the relationship between the depth distribution of the germinable seeds and the species traits? Methods: In each of the five study sites, four soil cores (4 cm diameter) of 80 cm depth were collected with an auger for soil seed bank analysis. Each sample was divided into sixteen 5-cm segments by depth (320 segments in total). Samples were concentrated by washing over sieves and then germinated in an unheated greenhouse. Soil penetration resistance was measured in situ next to each core location (0?80 cm depth, 1-cm resolution). We tested the number and species richness of seedlings observed in the soil segments (N = 320), using negative binomial generalized linear regression models, in which sampling layer and penetration resistance were the predictor variables. We ran the models for morphological groups (graminoids/forbs), ecological groups (grassland species/weeds) and life-form categories (short-lived/perennial). We also tested whether seed shape index, seed mass, water requirement or salt tolerance of the species influence the vertical distribution of their seed bank. Results: Germinable seed density and species richness in the seed bank decreased with increasing soil depth and penetration resistance. However, we detected nine germinable seeds of six species even in the deepest soil layer. Forbs, grassland species and short-lived species occurred in large abundance in deep layers, from where graminoids, weeds and perennial species were missing. Round-shaped seeds were more abundant in deeper soil layers compared to elongated ones, but seed mass and ecological indicator values did not influence the vertical seed bank distribution. Our research draws attention to the potential ecological importance of the deeply buried seeds that may be a source of recovery after severe disturbance. As Vertisols cover 335 million hectares worldwide, these findings can be relevant for many regions and ecosystems globally. We highlight the need for similar studies in other soil and habitat types to test whether the presence of deep buried seeds is specific to soils with Vertic characteristics.
Tárgyszavak:Biológiai tudományok Természettudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Soil seed bank
Alkali grassland
Deeply buried seeds
Seed ecology
Soil penetration resistance
Vertical distribution
Seed density
Seed shape
Megjelenés:PeerJ. - 10 (2022), p. 1-19. -
További szerzők:Deák Balázs (1978-) (biológus) Tóth Katalin Kiss Réka (1990-) (biológus, ökológus) Lukács Katalin (1993-) (biológus) Rádai Zoltán (1991-) (biológus) Godó Laura (1992-) (biológus, ökológus) Borza Sándor (1989-) (biológus) Kelemen András (1986-) (biológus-ökológus) Miglécz Tamás (1986-) (biológus ökológus) Bátori Zoltán Novák Tibor (1973-) (geográfus) Valkó Orsolya (1985-) (biológus)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM119845
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85131596978 (WoS)000809350100001 (cikkazonosító)2165
Cím:The Eurasian crane (Grus grus) as an ecosystem engineer in grasslands: Conservation values, ecosystem services, and disservices related to a large iconic bird species / Orsolya Valkó, Sándor Borza, Laura Godó, Zsolt Végvári, Balázs Deák
Megjegyzések:Large bird species, such as cranes are involved in human-wildlife conflicts as they often forage in croplands. The Eurasian crane (Grus grus) is a large bird species, protected across Europe, which, thanks to conservation programmes and its ability to utilise croplands for foraging, shows a strongly increasing population trend. This exaggerates the existing conflicts between crop farmers and cranes and is spilling over to natural habitats, where foraging by large flocks can lead to land degradation. No studies have evaluated the effects of foraging cranes on grasslands, despite the fact that these habitats provide important feeding grounds for cranes across their whole range. To fill this knowledge gap, we evaluated the ecosystem engineering effect of foraging Eurasian cranes on the vegetation of dry grasslands in Hungary. We used indicators of vegetation naturalness, forage quality, and floral resource provision to evaluate the ecosystem state from multiple aspects. We sampled 100 quadrats in disturbed patches and 100 in undisturbed grasslands in two seasons and 2 years (800 observations). Cranes created distinct vegetation patches with different species composition from undisturbed areas. We identified important trade-offs between the positive and negative effects of the foraging activity of cranes on different structural and functional components of the ecosystems. The crane-disturbed early-successional patches increased plant diversity and floral resources but decreased the area of undisturbed grasslands. Although crane-disturbed patches could provide forage for livestock early in the season, the forage quality became poor later in the year. We highlight the importance of monitoring the landscape-level extent of the disturbed areas.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
alkaline grassland
forage quality
land degradation
Megjelenés:Land Degradation & Development. - 33 : 12 (2022), p. 2155-2165. -
További szerzők:Valkó Orsolya (1985-) (biológus) Borza Sándor (1989-) (biológus) Godó Laura (1992-) (biológus, ökológus) Végvári Zsolt (1969-) (biológus) Deák Balázs (1978-) (biológus)
Pályázati támogatás:KDP 967901-SB
FK 135329
KDP 967901
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