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001-es BibID:BIBFORM117975
Első szerző:Elshafia, Ali Hamid Mohammed agrármérnök
Cím:Occurrence, Spread, and Management Possibilities of Citrus Bacterial Canker (Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri) in Sudan / Elshafia Ali Hamid Mohammed, Abdelhakam Esmaeil Mohamed Ahmed, Azza Siddig Hussien Abbo, Magdoline Mustafa Ahmed Osman, Siddig Mohamed Elhassan
Megjegyzések:Bacterial citrus canker disease (BCCD), caused by Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri (Xcc) is considered one of the most damaging factors to the citrus industry worldwide. Recently, based on the host range and pathogen interactions, five different pathovars of the BCCD have been extensively investigated, in which pathotype A (the Asiatic form of X. citri subsp. citri) being the most devastative and widespread among almost all citrus varieties and their relative. The disease causative agent (Xcc) induces varying symptoms depending on the citrus species, plant part, age, geographical area, and climate conditions. The symptoms ranging from small and raised yellowish to necrotic lesions containing corky tissues surrounded by watery and clear yellow rings on leaves, stems, and fruits. In a high level of BCCD, severe symptoms may occur such as die-back, defoliation, severe fruit dropping, and blemished, which remarkably reduce fruit production and quality. Based on all published articles about BCCD in Sudan from the first detection in 2003 to date, the current study aimed to highlight the starting point of BCCD in a specific region in eastern Sudan, the path of spread to cover almost all citrus-producing areas in Sudan, Symptomatology, Xcc identity, ecology, and assessing the efficacy of various chemical compounds and plant extracts against Xcc through both in vivo and in vitro examinations to establish an effective strategy to manage this disease
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Állattenyésztési tudományok előadáskivonat
Megjelenés:The 3rd International Electronic Conference on Plant Sciences: Program and Abstract Book / Jayanta Kumar Patra, Mauro Commisso, Antonella Vitti et al. - p. 78
További szerzők:Ahmed, Abdelhakam Esmaeil Mohamed (1984-) (Food Engineer) Abbo, Azza Siddig Hussien Magdoline Mustafa Ahmed Osman Siddig Mohamed Elhassan
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM117976
Első szerző:Magdoline Mustafa Ahmed Osman
Cím:Review: Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Phosphorus Solubilizing Bacteria: Plausible Candidates or Striga hermonthica Management in Sorghum / Magdoline Mustafa Ahmed, Rania Alrasheed Abakeer, Mohammed Mahgoub Hassan, Elshafia Ali Hamid Mohammed, Ratonyi Tamas, Abdel Gabar Eltayeb Babiker
Megjegyzések:Striga spp. root hemi parasitic weeds on major staple food crops including sorghum maize, pearl millet and rice, have been reported to threaten food security in sub-Saharan Africa. Among Striga spp., S. hermonthica is the most important and most prevalent in the region and thrives best under low soil fertility. Striga germinates in response to stimulants exuded by host roots. Following germination the parasite attaches, penetrates the host roots, establishes connection with the host xylem, grows parasitically and remains subterranean for 6?8 weeks. During the subterranean phase the parasite inflicts most of its damage. Several control tactics including cultural, chemical and biological methods have been released for combating the parasite. However, adoption rate of available control technologies remains minimal. Low adoption rate of the released technologies is attributable, mainly, to the mismatch of the technologies and the prevalent low-input subsistent farming system. The need for simple, inexpensively environmentally benign methods of control that affect the parasite at early stages of development is imperative. In nature, the Striga germination stimulants, collectively named strigolactones, are the hyphal branching factors of arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi (AMF) and their production and release from host roots are promoted by low soil fertility. The link between low soil fertility, Striga infection and mycorrhization promoted research on AMF as Striga antagonists with positive effects. However, AMF colonization was influenced by a multitude of variables including plant species, genotypes, drought, cultural practices, pesticides, initial soil fertility and the rhizospheric microbes, particularly phosphorus-solublizing bacteria and growth-promoting Rhizobacteria, where both synergistic and antagonistic interactions were reported.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Növénytermesztési és kertészeti tudományok előadáskivonat
Megjelenés:The 3rd International Electronic Conference on Plant Sciences: Program and Abstract Book / Jayanta Kumar Patra, Mauro Commisso, Antonella Vitti et al. - p. 127. (sciforum-083894)
További szerzők:Rania, Alrasheed Abakeer Hassan, Mohammed Mahgoub Elshafia, Ali Hamid Mohammed (1987-) agrármérnök Rátonyi Tamás (1967-) (agrármérnök) Abdel Gabar Eltayeb Babiker
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