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001-es BibID:BIBFORM116680
035-os BibID:(scopus)85170035800 (wos)001065103600003
Első szerző:Pandics Tamás
Cím:Exposome and unhealthy aging : environmental drivers from air pollution to occupational exposures / Pandics Tamas, Major David, Fazekas-Pongor Vince, Szarvas Zsofia, Peterfi Anna, Mukli Peter, Gulej Rafal, Ungvari Anna, Fekete Monika, Tompa Anna, Tarantini Stefano, Yabluchanskiy Andriy, Conley Shannon, Csiszar Anna, Tabak Adam G., Benyo Zoltan, Adany Roza, Ungvari Zoltan
ISSN:2509-2715 2509-2723
Megjegyzések:The aging population worldwide is facing a significant increase in age-related non-communicable diseases, including cardiovascular and brain pathologies. This comprehensive review paper delves into the impact of the exposome, which encompasses the totality of environmental exposures, on unhealthy aging. It explores how environmental factors contribute to the acceleration of aging processes, increase biological age, and facilitate the development and progression of a wide range of age-associated diseases. The impact of environmental factors on cognitive health and the development of chronic age-related diseases affecting the cardiovascular system and central nervous system is discussed, with a specific focus on Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, stroke, small vessel disease, and vascular cognitive impairment (VCI). Aging is a major risk factor for these diseases. Their pathogenesis involves cellular and molecular mechanisms of aging such as increased oxidative stress, impaired mitochondrial function, DNA damage, and inflammation and is influenced by environmental factors. Environmental toxicants, including ambient particulate matter, pesticides, heavy metals, and organic solvents, have been identified as significant contributors to cardiovascular and brain aging disorders. These toxicants can inflict both macro- and microvascular damage and many of them can also cross the blood?brain barrier, inducing neurotoxic effects, neuroinflammation, and neuronal dysfunction. In conclusion, environmental factors play a critical role in modulating cardiovascular and brain aging. A deeper understanding of how environmental toxicants exacerbate aging processes and contribute to the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases, VCI, and dementia is crucial for the development of preventive strategies and interventions to promote cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, and brain health. By mitigating exposure to harmful environmental factors and promoting healthy aging, we can strive to reduce the burden of age-related cardiovascular and brain pathologies in the aging population. ? 2023, The Author(s).
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Egészségtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Accelerated aging
Biological age
Environmental pollution
Megjelenés:GeroScience. - 45 : 6 (2023), p. 3381-3408. -
További szerzők:Major Dávid Fazekas-Pongor Vince Szarvas Zsófia Péterfi Anna Mukli Péter Gulej, Rafal Ungvári Anna Fekete Mónika Tompa Anna Tarantini, Stefano Yabluchanskiy, Andriy Conley, Shannon M. Csiszár Anna Tabák Ádám G. Benyó Zoltán Ádány Róza (1952-) (megelőző orvostan és népegészségtan szakorvos) Ungvári Zoltán
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM117425
035-os BibID:(Scopus)85179338215 (WoS)001115572500001
Első szerző:Ungvári Zoltán
Cím:The Semmelweis Study : a longitudinal occupational cohort study within the framework of the Semmelweis Caring University Model Program for supporting healthy aging / Zoltan Ungvari, Adam G. Tabák, Roza Adany, György Purebl, Csilla Kaposvári, Vince Fazekas-Pongor, Tamás Csípő, Zsófa Szarvas, Krisztián Horváth, Peter Mukli, Piroska Balog, Robert Bodizs, Peter Ujma, Adrienne Stauder, Daniel W. Belsky, Illés Kovács, Andriy Yabluchanskiy, Andrea B. Maier, Mariann Moizs, Piroska Östlin, Yongjie Yon, Péter Varga, Zoltán Vokó, Magor Papp, István Takács, Barna Vásárhelyi, Péter Torzsa, Péter Ferdinandy, Anna Csiszar, Zoltán Benyó, Attila J. Szabó, Gabriella Dörnyei, Mika Kivimäki, Miklos Kellermayer, Bela Merkely
ISSN:2509-2715 2509-2723
Megjegyzések:The Semmelweis Study is a prospective occupational cohort study that seeks to enroll all employees of Semmelweis University (Budapest, Hungary) aged 25 years and older, with a population of 8866 people, 70.5% of whom are women. The study builds on the successful experiences of the Whitehall II study and aims to investigate the complex relationships between lifestyle, environmental, and occupational risk factors, and the development and progression of chronic age-associated diseases. An important goal of the Semmelweis Study is to identify groups of people who are aging unsuccessfully and therefore have an increased risk of developing age-associated diseases. To achieve this, the study takes a multidisciplinary approach, collecting economic, social, psychological, cognitive, health, and biological data. The Semmelweis Study comprises a baseline data collection with open healthcare data linkage, followed by repeated data collection waves every 5 years. Data are collected through computer-assisted self-completed questionnaires, followed by a physical health examination, physiological measurements, and the assessment of biomarkers. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the Semmelweis Study, including its origin, context, objectives, design, relevance, and expected contributions.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Egészségtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Age-associated diseases
Biological age
Central Europe
Health Promoting University
Healthy aging
Workplace cohort
Megjelenés:GeroScience. - 46 : 1 (2024), p. 191-218. -
További szerzők:Tabák Ádám G. Ádány Róza (1952-) (megelőző orvostan és népegészségtan szakorvos) Purebl György Kaposvári Csilla Fazekas-Pongor Vince Csípő Tamás (1990-) Szarvas Zsófia Horváth Krisztián Mukli Péter Balog Róbert Bódizs Róbert Ujma Péter Stauder Adrienne Belsky, Daniel W. Kovács Illés Yabluchanskiy, Andriy Maier, Andrea B. Moizs Marianna (1964-) (orvos) Östlin Piroska Yon, Yongjie Varga Péter Vokó Zoltán (1968-) (epidemiológus) Papp Magor Csongor (1978-) (háziorvostan szakorvos) Takács István Vásárhelyi Barna Torzsa Péter Ferdinándy Péter Csiszár Anna Benyó Zoltán Szabó Attila (gyermekgyógyász Budapest) Dörnyei Gabriella Kivimäki, Mika Kellermayer Miklós Merkely Béla (1965-) (orvos)
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