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001-es BibID:BIBFORM122307
035-os BibID:(WoS)000243497100014
Első szerző:Drén Gábor (agrármérnök)
Cím:Fruit-bearing shoot characteristics of apricot cultivars in Hungary / Dren, G.; Thurzo, S.; Szabo, Z.; Nveki, J.; Racsko, J.; Holb, I. J.
Megjegyzések:During the winter of 2004/2005, the flower bud density of four types of fruit-bearing shoots and the changes in frost resistance were studied on 11 apricot cultivars. Significant differences were measured among the cultivars in the number of flower buds. Based on the results, the bud density of shorter shoots is generally higher, but this is not valid for all cultivars. There were fivefold and almost twofold (1.85) differences in bud density among cultivars on shoots shorter than 10 cm and longer than 40 cm, respectively. The ratio of bud densities of different types of shoots also ranged between wide boundaries. The frost resistance of the cultivars was examined by artificial freezing. The highest damage was obtained on ♭Robada', which had the highest flower bud density. At the end of the winter, the damage due to natural frosts was also assessed. The shoots of 10-20 cm length were the least damaged.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Növénytermesztési és kertészeti tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Acta Horticulturae. - 717 (2006), p. 83-86. -
További szerzők:Thurzó Sándor (agrár) Szabó Zoltán (1960-) (kertészmérnök) Nyéki József (1944-2022) (kertészmérnök) Racskó József (1979-) (agrármérnök) Holb Imre (1973-) (agrármérnök)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM122309
Első szerző:Holb Imre (agrármérnök)
Cím:Brown rot blossom blight and fruit rot incidences of apricot in two different geographical regions in Hungary / Holb, I. J.; Drén, G.; Szabo, Z.; Racsko, J.; Thurzo, S.; Nyeki, J.
Megjegyzések:The aim of our two-year study was to assess the incidence of brown rot blossom blight and fruit rot caused by Monilinia laxa in 2003 and 2004. Assessments of incidence were made on cultivar ♭Bergeron' (susceptible to brown rot) in a flatland and a hilly growing area (at Cegléd and Gönc, respectively). In both locations, plant protection was performed according to the integrated fruit production guidelines and small untreated plots were set up for each cultivar in both years. In 2003, when weather conditions were dry and hot, brown rot incidence was low (less than 10%) on both blossoms and fruits. Monilinia laxa did not cause significantly different blossom blight and fruit rot at the hilly (Gönc) area compared to the flatland, even in untreated plots. However, in 2004, when spring and summer weather conditions were wet and cold, incidence reached 95% for blossom blight and 33% for fruit rot in the untreated plots. Blossom blight incidence was 1.5-2 times higher in the flatland area compared to the hilly growing area. During the blooming period of apricot, two (at the flower-bud stage and at full bloom) and three (at the flower-bud stage, at full bloom and at petal fall) fungicide applications were necessary for successful control at Gönc and Cegléd, respectively. The difference between the two orchards was due to the fact that blooming started one week later in the hilly region (at Gönc) than in the flatland region (at Cegléd); therefore, the critical weather period coincided only partially with blooming in the orchard in the hilly region. Fruit rot incidence was similar in both regions, since the amount and distribution of rainfall were similar during the fruit-ripening period.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Növénytermesztési és kertészeti tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Acta Horticulturae. - 717 (2006), p. 123-128. -
További szerzők:Drén Gábor (1981-) (agrármérnök) Szabó Zoltán (1960-) (kertészmérnök) Racskó József (1979-) (agrármérnök) Thurzó Sándor (agrár) Nyéki József (1944-2022) (kertészmérnök)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM053962
Első szerző:Holb Imre (agrármérnök)
Cím:Effect of reduced spray programmes on incidences of apple scab, powdery mildew and codling moth damage in environmentally friendly apple production systems / Holb I. J., Fazekas M., Abonyi F., Lakatos P., Thurzó S., Nyéki J., Szabó Z., Kruppa J., Balla B.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Növénytermesztési és kertészeti tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
Megjelenés:International Journal of Horticultural Science. - 15 : 4 (2009), p. 75-78. -
További szerzők:Fazekas Mónika (1985-) (biotechnológus) Abonyi Ferenc (agrármérnök) Lakatos Péter (agrármérnök) Thurzó Sándor (agrár) Nyéki József (1944-2022) (kertészmérnök) Szabó Zoltán (1960-) (kertészmérnök) Kruppa József Balla Barbara (agrármérnök)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM006408
Első szerző:Holb Imre (agrármérnök)
Cím:Incidence of Brown Rot Blossom Blight (Monilinia laxa [Aderhold & Ruhland]) and Fruit Rot in Organic Sour Cherry Production in Hungary / Holb Imre, Szabó Tibor, Thurzó Sándor, Nyéki József, Drén Gábor, Racskó József, Szabó Zoltán, Veres Zsuzsanna, Soltész Miklós
Megjegyzések:V International Cherry Symposium
Brown rot (Monilinia laxa (Aderhold & Ruhland)) blossom blight and fruit rot incidence were evaluated on three sour cherry (Prunus cerasus L.) cultivars ('Kántorjánosi', 'Újfehértói fürtös', 'Érdi bőtermő') in an organic sour cherry orchard in Hungary in 2003 and 2004. Trees were grown according to the organic fruit production guidelines and small untreated plots were set up for each cultivar in both years. Blossom blight and fruit rot were the highest on 'Érdi bőtermő' in both years. In 2003, both blossom blight and fruit rot incidences were low even in the untreated plots (less than 15% and 5%, respectively). In 2004, brown rot incidence reached 55% for blossom blight and 25% for fruit rot in the untreated plots. Blossom blight incidence was 1.5 to 2 times higher on 'Érdi bőtermő' compared to 'Kántorjánosi' or 'Újfehértói fürtös'. During 80% of the 'Érdi bőtermő' bloom period, weather was rainy and cold, therefore, resulting in severe blossom and serious twig blights in the untreated plots (up to 55%). Only half as much damage was found in those organic plots that were treated with three fungicide applications during the bloom. Fruit rot incidence was highly related to rainfall during fruit maturation in 2004. Right before the harvest of 'Érdi bőtermő', due to an intensive rainy period, about 35% of the fruit were cracked, which resulted in up to 25% infection of M. laxa on the harvested fruit. Fruit rot incidence was no more than 5% on 'Kántorjánosi' and 'Újfehértói fürtös'.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Növénytermesztési és kertészeti tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Prunus cerasus
Megjelenés:Acta Horticulturae. - 795 (2008), p. 913-918. -
További szerzők:Szabó Tibor (1945-) (kertészmérnök) Soltész Miklós (1944-) (kertészmérnök) Thurzó Sándor (agrár) Nyéki József (1944-2022) (kertészmérnök) Drén Gábor (1981-) (agrármérnök) Racskó József (1979-) (agrármérnök) Szabó Zoltán (1960-) (kertészmérnök) Veres Zsuzsanna (1978-) (élelmiszermérnök)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM043731
Első szerző:Nyéki József (kertészmérnök)
Cím:Research fields of the Institute for Extension and Development of the University of Debrecen Centre of Agricultural Sciences / J. Nyéki, Z. Szabó, J. Nagy, M. Soltész, M. Fári, I. Holb. L. Lakatos, J. Racskó, G. Drén, S. Thurzó, M. Dani, L. Budai, Z. Erdős, L. Popovics, T. Szabó
ISBN:963 9274 85 2
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Növénytermesztési és kertészeti tudományok előadáskivonat
Megjelenés:Sustainable agriculture across borders in Europe conference proceedings Debrecen-Oradea, 6 May 2005 / [ed. András Jávor, János Kátai, János Tamás]. - p. 225-228. -
További szerzők:Szabó Zoltán (1960-) (kertészmérnök) Nagy János (1951-) (agrármérnök, mérnök-tanár) Soltész Miklós (1944-) (kertészmérnök) Fári Miklós (1953-) (kertészmérnök) Holb Imre (1973-) (agrármérnök) Lakatos László (agrár) Racskó József (1979-) (agrármérnök) Drén Gábor (1981-) (agrármérnök) Thurzó Sándor (agrár) Dani M. (agrár) Budai L. (agrár) Erdős Zoltán Popovics L. Szabó T.


001-es BibID:BIBFORM122305
035-os BibID:(WoS)000245352700032
Első szerző:Racskó József (agrármérnök)
Cím:Effect of auxin-synergistic preparation (Nevirol 60 WP) on flowering date and yield of sour-cherry and European plum fruits in Hungary / Racsko, J.; Holb, I.; Szabo, Z.; Thurzo, S.; Dren, G.; Nyeki, J.
Megjegyzések:The authors investigated the reaction of four sour-cherry (♭Debreceni bőtermő', ♭Érdi bőtermő', ♭Meteor korai', ♭Újfehértói fürtös') and three European plum cultivars (♭Besztercei', ♭Cacanska Lepotica', ♭Stanley') to an auxin-synergistic preparation (Nevirol 60 WP). Spray applications were carried out at the 50% flowering stage of the trees. Application of the regulator increased the longevity/viability of the stigma and supported better pollination. The date of the end of flowering was deferred 2.2 days on average in the cases of sour-cherry cultivars, and 1.0-1.5 days on European plum cultivars. The treatment resulted in a 27-35% increase in fruit setting on sour-cherry, and 15-24% on plums. In the case of the sour-cherry cultivars the ratio of clusters with high numbers of fruits (3-4 fruit/bunch) was increased. In accordance, the yield was enlarged by about 22% in the case of sour-cherry cultivars and 15% on European plum cultivars. The increase of yield was not in close corellation to increases of fruit setting in all cases, because some fruits shrivelled or dropped as a consequence of oversetting in certain cases. Fruit quality parameters were also studied, including fruit weight, fruit diameter, soluble solids and sugar contant.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Növénytermesztési és kertészeti tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
European plum
fruit set
fruit quality
Nevirol 60WP
Megjelenés:Acta Horticulturae. - 727 (2006), p. 279-282. -
További szerzők:Holb Imre (1973-) (agrármérnök) Szabó Zoltán (1960-) (kertészmérnök) Thurzó Sándor (agrár) Drén Gábor (1981-) (agrármérnök) Nyéki József (1944-2022) (kertészmérnök)
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001-es BibID:BIBFORM102554
Első szerző:Thurzó Sándor (agrár)
Cím:Cseresznyefajták gyümölcsminősége szuperintenzív ültetvényben / Thurzó Sándor, Szabó Zoltán, Holb Imre, Nagy János, Farkas Ervin, Drén Gábor, Racskó József, Dani Mária, Nagy Péter Tamás, Kincses Sándorné, Veres Zsuzsanna, Nyéki József
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Növénytermesztési és kertészeti tudományok magyar nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
Megjelenés:Agrártudományi közlemények = Acta agraria Debreceniensis. - : 17 (2005), p. 75-81. -
További szerzők:Szabó Zoltán Holb Imre (1973-) (agrármérnök) Nagy János (1951-) (agrármérnök, mérnök-tanár) Farkas Ervin Drén Gábor (1981-) (agrármérnök) Racskó József (1979-) (agrármérnök) Dani Mária Nagy Péter Tamás (1970-) (vegyész) Kincses Sára Veres Zsuzsanna (1978-) (élelmiszermérnök) Nyéki József (1944-2022) (kertészmérnök)
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