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001-es BibID:BIBFORM002027
Első szerző:Nagy Benedek (informatikus, matematikus)
Cím:On 5'->3' sensing Watson-Crick finite automata / Benedek Nagy
Megjegyzések:In this paper we introduce a variation of Watson-Crick automata in which both heads read the doubled DNA strand form 5' to 3'. The sensing version of these automata recognize exactly the linear context-free languages. The deterministic version is not so powerful, but all fixed-rated linear (for instance even-linear) languages can be accepted by them. Relation to other variations of Watson-Crick automata and pushdown automata are presented. The full-reading version of sensing 5'->3' automata recognizes non context-free languages as well.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Matematika- és számítástudományok előadáskivonat
DNS computing
formal languages
Megjelenés:Preliminary Proceedings of the 13th International Meeting on DNA Comuting / ed. by Max Garzon, Hao Yan. - p. 327-336.
Internet cím:elektronikus változat
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