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001-es BibID:BIBFORM003178
Első szerző:Katonáné Kovács Judit (agrármérnök, szakfordító)
Cím:Agri-environment measures effect on territorial cohesion in the north great plain region [elektronikus dokumentum] / Judit Kovács Katona, Gábor Szabó
Megjegyzések:A leírás alapja a CD-ROM, 2012.01.10.
Since the introduction of AGENDA 2000, including the second reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), the European Union (EU) has built its agricultural policy on two pillars. The market policy which gives the first, and rural development which gives the second pillar of the CAP. This paper analyses agri-environment measures (AEMs) constituting integrated, and the only obligatory part of the second pillar from the territorial aspect. The hypothesis which is examined in this paper is that agri-environmental measures support territorial cohesion in the North Great Plain Region. In the introduction the development of agri-environmental measures in the EU and in Hungary is briefly presented with some important concepts sustainable development, multifunctional agriculture which tries to explain why these measures have growing importance. The Database of agri-environmental measures obtained from the Agricultural and Rural Development Office (ARDO) is examined on a settlement basis, and analysed following the spatial categories defined by the North Great Plain Region's Regional Operative Programme prepared for the programming period between 2007-2013. In the conclusions and discussion as a result of the literature review and data analysis the different CAP payments effect on the pillars of sustainable development is illustrated and finally the question is raised whether upper level of European Size Unit have to be determined or not in the case of rural development pillar in Hungary.
Rendszerkövetelmények: 300 Mhz PII processzor, 100 MB RAM; Win 98SE; MS Internet Explorer 5.5
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok előadáskivonat
agri-environmental measures
territorial cohesion
multifunctional agriculture
Megjelenés:Agrárgazdaság, Vidékfejlesztés, Agrárinformatika Nemzetközi Konferencia (AVA3), Debrecen, 2007. március 20-21 : [elektronikus dokumentum]. - p. 544-554.
További szerzők:Szabó Gábor (1942-) (közgazdász)
Internet cím:elektronikus változat
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