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001-es BibID:BIBFORM003989
Első szerző:Hunyadi Gergely (környezetgazdálkodási agrármérnök)
Cím:Examination of the temperature distribution of compost prisms according to the recipe and the retention time / Hunyadi Gergely, Bíró Tibor, Tamás János, Csatári Gábor
Megjegyzések:During our research we examined the temperature distribution of compost prisms during two different composting technologies based on different types of wastes with high organic content. In sewage sludge based compost prism we could measure the horizontal and vertical temperature distribution. According to the results of the experience we can conclude that the temperature distribution of the prism can be divided into three zones: 1. environmental zone 2. large temperature zone, 3. core-zone. The vertical distribution of the sewage sludge base compost prism also can be divided into three layers. The temperature of the bottom layer is lower as the temperature of the middle. The top of the prism is adapting to the temperature of the environment. The vertical distribution of the sewage sludge based compost prism is different in the different points of the width. Because of the folia-cover we could not measure the horizontal temperature distribution of slaughtered wastes based compost prism. The vertical distribution was similar as it was in the sewage sludge based prisms. The difference was large between the temperature of the bottom and the middle layer. Thanks to the cover the temperature did not decrease at the top as much as it did at sewage sludge based prisms. The temperature profile was more homogeny in the beginning and in the end of the degradation independently of the type of the raw materials. The mixing caused changes in the temperature distribution but it is needed because it ensures the aeration and homogeneity.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Környezettudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
Megjelenés:Agrártudományi közlemények = Acta agraria Debreceniensis. - Supplement (2008), p. 283-287. -
További szerzők:Csatári Gábor Bíró Tibor (1970-) (agrármérnök) Tamás János (1959-) (környezetgazdálkodási agrármérnök)
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