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001-es BibID:BIBFORM004763
Első szerző:Bágyi Kinga (fogszakorvos)
Cím:Efficacy of pre-operative cephalosporin prophylaxis in controlling pathogenic oral bacterial growth in comatose patients / Bagyi Kinga, Márton Ildikó, Szabó Judit, Andrási Melinda, Gáspár Attila, Varga Imre, Bognár László, Klekner Álmos
Megjegyzések:Pre-operative cephalosporin prophylaxis is routinely administered to patients in many institutes. In the case of patients with long-term endotracheal intubation, saliva that accumulates in the pharynx can flow down into the lungs. In particular, this can occur following neurosurgical procedures in comatose patients when pharyngeal and coughing reflexes are impaired. Aspiration of pathogenic bacteria from the oral cavity can in turn lead to pneumonia. In this study, the efficacy of prophylactic cephalosporins in controlling the growth of oral bacteria was investigated. Methods: At the time of induction of anaesthesia for a neurosurgical procedure, 10, 11, and 9 comatose patients received 1 g of cefazolin, 1.5 g of cefuroxime, or 2 g cefamandole, respectively. Antibiotic concentrations were measured by capillary electrophoresis in the serum and saliva at the end of the procedure. Bacteria were isolated from the same saliva samples and the MIC values for the specific cephalosporin were determined. Results: The mean concentrations of the cephalosporins in the serum exceeded the MIC values for almost every bacterium tested. However, the antibiotic concentrations were much lower in the saliva and did not reach the MIC values of 75-76% of the bacteria isolated from the same source. Conclusions: Surgical prophylaxis with cefazolin, cefuroxime, and cefamandole did not result in effective concentrations in the saliva to control the growth of pathogenic oral flora. Determination of the MIC values for bacteria isolated from the saliva can help in selecting appropriate antibiotics for the prevention of aspiration pneumonia. The simple application of capillary electrophoresis to human biological samples offers the possibility of evaluating the actual effectiveness of antibiotics that can promote optimisation of individual antibiotic therapy.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
aspiration pneumonia
egyetemen (Magyarországon) készült közlemény
Megjelenés:Journal of Medical Microbiology. - 57 : Pt1 (2008), p. 128-129. -
További szerzők:Márton Ildikó (1954-) (fogszakorvos) Szabó Judit (1963-) (szakorvos, klinikai mikrobiológus) Andrási Melinda (1979-) (gyógyszerész) Gáspár Attila (1970-) (vegyész, kémikus) Varga Imre (1960-) (tüdőgyógyász) Bognár László (1958-) (idegsebész, gyermekidegsebész) Klekner Álmos (1970-) (idegsebész)
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