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001-es BibID:BIBFORM005315
Első szerző:Horváth M. Tamás (jogász)
Cím:'Humpty-Dumpty' : globalization issues illustrated by local self-government develpoment / Tamás M. Horváth
Megjegyzések:Lewis Carroll's well-known character lives in a unique world of his own. He sits and speaks on top of a wall self-importantly. Alice is listening to him amazed, singing the little rhyme chosen for our motto. In a certain context, as if reflected by a distorting mirror, all Humpty Dumpty says has logic. When, however, that logic crumbles, the stout man falls off the wall, and his rationale can no longer be reconstructed. The post-communist countries undergoing political transition were provided Western European patterns for establishing their democratic systems and market economy. Donor countries did consider the implications of globalization and potential integration. Yet, it was the individual countries themselves who had to, or ought to have taken into consideration the implications of their own social context which is more or less resistant to the received models. The same also applies to many other subsystems regarding local government functions and structures. The present study enumerates the limitations of the received models in the diverse regions of the post communist block. We will see that the quality of the adaptation attitude can generate fundamental errors.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Állam- és jogtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
helyi önkormányzatok
Megjelenés:Nemzetközi közlöny : közép-kelet-európai közigazgatási folyóirat. - 2 (2007), p. 2-19. -
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