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001-es BibID:BIBFORM005391
Első szerző:Mészáros Sándor (agrár)
Cím:Price transmission and its analysis in the milk and dairy sector: A survey. / Mészáros Sándor, Popovics Péter András
Megjegyzések:Price transmission is used by agricultural economists to examine market efficiency especially in the food sectors (product lines). The article offers a survey on the accomplishments since Gardner's study (1975) marking a milestone in the science. It concentrates especially to the approach and measure of price transmission, the dairy sector, and competition being the most influential factor. Much of the literature claims that in developed countries market structure in food industry is characterized by oligopoly, and trading sector has a significant market power that is growing in Europe. Therefore, price transmission between farmers and retailers is imperfect, asymmetric and lagged. Certainly, besides market power, price transmission is influenced by several factors. A deciding factor is whether the current situation in the market is controlled by supply-push or demand-pull. Furthermore, even statistical tests for price transmission have problems, too. For this reason, authors make suggestions for the followings: the purposes of price transmission analyses, comparisons of its measures, verification of its tests on the same objects and ways of using it in economic policy.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Élelmiszertudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
price transmission
market power
dairy sector
Megjelenés:Studies in Agricultural Economics. - 101 (2004), p. 5-22. -
További szerzők:Popovics Péter András (1978-) (agrárközgazdász)
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