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001-es BibID:BIBFORM005608
Első szerző:Kátai János (biológus, hidrobiológus)
Cím:The effect of an artificial and a bacterium fertilizer on some soil characteristics and on the biomass of the rye-grass (Lolium Perenne L.) / János Kátai, Zsolt Sándor, Magdolna Tállai
Megjegyzések:In a pot experiment, we have studied the effect of an organic manure, Bactofil A10 and an artificial fertilizer with Ca(NO3)2 content on two different soil types (humus sandy, calcareous chernozem). Rye-grass was used as a test plant (Lolium perenne L.). Both treatments satisfied the nutrient requirement of the test plant. The Bactofil treatments had a favourable effect on the total number of bacteria and the number of nitrifying bacteria in both soils and on the biomass N content of the humus sandy soil. The enzyme activity of urease was increased in both soil types by the Ca(NO3)2 treatment. The amount of plant biomass increased as a result of the treatments. In the statistical evaluation, relationships were found between the changes in the soil parameters due to the treatments and the amount of plant biomass.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Növénytermesztési és kertészeti tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
organic manure Bactofil A10
Ca(NO3)2 artificial fertilizer
nutrient content
microbial parameters of soils
biomass of the test plant
Megjelenés:Cereal Research Communications. - 36 : Suppl.II (2008), p. 1171-1174. -
További szerzők:Sándor Zsolt (1977-) (agrármérnök, mérnöktanár) Tállai Magdolna (1982-) (agrármérnök)
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