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001-es BibID:BIBFORM007818
Első szerző:Kanalas Péter (biológus)
Cím:Interactive effects of UV-B radiation and water stress on leaf water relations and photosynthesis of sessile (Quercus petraea L.) / Péter Kanalas, Szilvia Veres, László Lévai, Éva Sárvári
Megjegyzések:Enhanced UV-B radiation and water stress may have direct and indirect effects on physiology of plants. In the present study we investigated the responses of sessile oak seedlings grown from seeds to supplementary UV-B radiation and water stress. Seedlings of sessile oak showed rapidly developing susceptibility to the enhanced UV-B radiation which appeared in lowering the chlorophyll content and potential photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm) and actual photochemical efficiency of PSII (DF/Fm'). UV-B radiation caused slight changes in leaf water relations. Water withdrawal from the plants resulted in very low leaf water content and water potential. When plants were simultaneously exposed to UV-B and water stress leaf water relations of seedlings were improved and increase in flavonoid accumulation was observed. However, values of Fv/Fm, DF/Fm' and RFD were the lowest in these plants as compared to control and those exposed to separately to enhanced UV-B or water withdrawal. Both UV-B radiation and water stress increased non-photochemical quenching with a parallel enhancement of zeaxanthin formation.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Környezettudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
UV-B radiation
water stress
sessile oak
chlorophyll fluorescence
water potential
Megjelenés:Cereal Research Communications. - 36 (2008), p. 303-306. -
További szerzők:Veres Szilvia (1972-) (biológus, biológia középiskolai tanár, angol-magyar szakfordító) Lévai László (1951-) (agrármérnök, mérnöktanár) Sárvári Éva
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