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001-es BibID:BIBFORM008724
Első szerző:Barczy Mátyás (matematikus)
Cím:Innovational outliers in INAR(1) models / Mátyás Barczy, Márton Ispány, Gyula Pap, Manuel Scotto, Maria Eduarda Silva
Megjegyzések:We consider integer-valued autoregressive models of order one contaminated with innovational outliers. Assuming that the time points of the outliers are known but their sizes are unknown, we prove that Conditional Least Squares (CLS) estimators of the offspring and innovation means are strongly consistent. In contrast, CLS estimators of the outliers' sizes are not strongly consistent. We also prove that the joint CLS estimator of the offspring and innovation means is asymptotically normal. Conditionally on the values of the process at time points preceding the outliers' occurrences, the joint CLS estimator of the sizes of the outliers is asymptotically normal.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Matematika- és számítástudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods. - 39 : 18 (2010), p. 3343-3362. -
További szerzők:Ispány Márton (1966-) (informatikus, matematikus) Pap Gyula (1954-) (matematikus) Scotto, Manuel (matematikus) Silva, Maria Eduarda
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