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Klug, Stefani J.
TP53 codon 72 polymorphism and cervical cancer : a pooled analysis of individual data from 49 studies / Klug Stefani J., Ressing Meike, Koenig Jochem, Abba Martin C., Agorastos Theodoros, Brenna Sylvia M. F., Ciotti Marco, Das B. R., Del Mistro Annarosa, Dybikowska Aleksandra, Giuliano Anna R., Gudleviciene Zivile, Gyllensten Ulf, Haws Andrea L. F., Helland Aslaug, Herrington C. Simon, Hildesheim Alan, Humbey Oliver, Jee Sun H., Kim Jae Weon, Madeleine M. Margaret, Menczer Joseph, Ngan Hextan Y. S. N., Nishikawa Akira, Niwa Yosimitshu, Pegoraro Rosemary, Pillai M. R., Ranzani Gulielmina, Rezza Giovanni, Rosenthal Adam N., Roychoudhury Susanta, Saranath Dhananjaya, Schmitt Virginia M., Sengupta Sharmila, Settheetham-Ishida Wannapa, Shirasawa Hiroshi, Snijders Peter J. F., Stoler Mark H., Suárez-Rincón Angel E., Szarka Krisztina, Tachezy Ruth, Ueda Masatsugu, van der Zee Ate G. J., von Knebel Doeberitz Magnus, Wu Ming-Tsang, Yamashita Tsuyoshi, Zehbe Ingeborg, Blettner Maria
Summary Background Cervical cancer is caused primarily by human papillomaviruses (HPV). The polymorphism rs1042522 at codon 72 of the TP53 tumour-suppressor gene has been investigated as a genetic cofactor. More than 80 studies were done between 1998 and 2006, after it was initially reported that women who are homozygous for the arginine allele had a risk for cervical cancer seven times higher than women who were heterozygous for the allele. However, results have been inconsistent. Here we analyse pooled data from 49 studies to determine whether there is an association between TP53 codon 72 polymorphism and cervical cancer. Methods Individual data on 7946 cases and 7888 controls from 49 diff erent studies worldwide were reanalysed. Odds ratios (OR) were estimated using logistic regression, stratifying by study and ethnic origin. Subgroup analyses were done for infection with HPV, ethnic origin, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, study quality, and the material used to determine TP53 genotype. Findings The pooled estimates (OR) for invasive cervical cancer were 1.22 (95% CI 1.08-1.39) for arginine homozygotes compared with heterozygotes, and 1.13 (0.94-1.35) for arginine homozygotes versus proline homozygotes. Subgroup analyses showed signifi cant excess risks only in studies where controls were not in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (1.71 [1.21-2.42] for arginine homozygotes compared with heterozygotes), in non-epidemiological studies (1.35 [1.15-1.58] for arginine homozygotes compared with heterozygotes), and in studies where TP53 genotype was determined from tumour tissue (1.39 [1.13-1.73] for arginine homozygotes compared with heterozygotes). Null results were noted in studies with sound epidemiological design and conduct (1.06 [0.87-1.29] for arginine homozygotes compared with heterozygotes), and studies in which TP53 genotype was determined from white blood cells (1.06 [0.87-1.29] for arginine homozygotes compared with heterozygotes). Interpretation Subgroup analyses indicated that excess risks were most likely not due to clinical or biological factors, but to errors in study methods. No association was found between cervical cancer and TP53 codon 72 polymorphism when the analysis was restricted to methodologically sound studies. Funding German Research Foundation (DFG).
Elméleti orvostudományok
idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
cervical cancer
The Lancet Oncology. - 10 : 8 (2009), p. 772-784. -
További szerzők:
Ressing, Meike
Koenig, Jochem
Abba, Martin C.
Agorastos, Theodoros
Brenna, Sylvia M. F.
Ciotti, Marco
Das, B. R.
Del, Mistro Annaros
Dybikowska, Aleksandra
Giuliano, Anna R.
Gudleviciene, Zivile
Gyllensten, Ulf
Haws, Andrea L. F.
Helland, Aslaug
Herrington, C. Simon
Hildesheim, Alan
Humbey, Oliver
Jee, Sun H.
Kim, Jae Weon
Madeleine, M. Margaret
Menczer, Joseph
Ngan, Hextan Y. S. N.
Nishikawa, Akira
Niwa, Yosimitshu
Pegoraro, Rosemary
Pillai, M. R.
Ranzani, Gulielmina
Rezza, Giovanni
Rosenthal, Adam N.
Roychoudhury, Susanta
Saranath, Dhananjaya
Schmitt, Virginia M.
Sengupta, Sharmila
Settheetham-Ishida, Wannapa
Shirasawa, Hiroshi
Snijders, Peter J. F.
Stoler, Mark H.
Suárez-Rincón, Angel E.
Szarka Krisztina (1971-) (molekuláris biológus, mikrobiológus)
Tachezy, Ruth
Ueda, Masatsugu
Zee, Ate G. J., van der
Knebel, Doeberitz Magnus, Von
Wu, Ming-Tsang
Yamashita, Tsuyoshi
Zehbe, Ingeborg
Blettner Maria
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