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001-es BibID:BIBFORM011901
Első szerző:Wesselényi-Garay Andor (építészteoretikus)
Cím:Építészet és kontextusváltás = architecture and a shift in context / Wesselényi-Garay Andor
Megjegyzések:The research of architecture, in the context of power - despite the obvious, fairly common exceptions -, usually reveals that architecture in the era of autocracy is often nothing more than the representation and symbol of power, of which visual existence is generally defi ned throughout the appearance of classical details. The symbol of power is embodied in classicism, more precisely in archetypical elements such as columns, pitched roofs, hole-like fenestration and friezes. Details stem from the classic orders in general. Then the attributes of power are necessary completed with symmetry, axes and porticoes of various kinds. It is needless to say that in this paradigm these details are not the result of a certain concept of design, but per se the iconography of a totalitarian regime. It might be easy to accept that the discourse on power and architecture concentrates only on a given period of time and does not investigate the possibilities of changes in meaning that necessarily occur with the re-functionalising and re-imaging process of the building. Contrary to this abovementioned paradigm, this paper claims that the natural shift in context of any building inevitably eventuates over time, unless its existence is exclusively pictorial.
Tárgyszavak:Műszaki tudományok Építészmérnöki tudományok előadáskivonat
építészet és politika
Megjelenés:Ars perennis : Fiatal Művészettörténészek II. Konferenciája : CentrArt Művészettörténeti Műhely tanulmányok, Primus Gradus tanulmányok = 2nd Conference of Young Art Historians Budapest, 2009 : CentrArt Arthistorical Workshop studies, Primus Gradus studies / [szerk. ... Tüskés Anna] ; [közread. a] CentrArt Egyesület. - p. 323-327. -
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