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001-es BibID:BIBFORM016355
Első szerző:McMurray, Janet
Cím:The European Register of Specialists in Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine: Guide to the Register, Version 3-2010 / McMurray J., Zérah S., Hallworth M., Schuff-Werner P., Haushofer A., Szekeres T., Wallemacq P., Tzatchev K., Charilaou C., Racek J., Johnsen A., Tomberg K., Harmoinen A., Baum H., Rizos D., Kappelmayer J., O'Mullane J., Nubile G., Pupure S., Kucinskiene Z., Opp M., Jansen R. Solnica B., Reguengo H., Grigore C., Spanár J., Strakl G., Queralto J., Wallinder H., Wieringa G.
Megjegyzések:In 1997, the European Communities Confederation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EC4) set up a Register for European Specialists in Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine. The operation of the Register is undertaken by a Register Commission (EC4RC). During the last 12 years, more than 2200 specialists in Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine have joined the Register. In 2007, EC4 merged with the Forum of European Societies of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (FESCC) to form the European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFCC). Two previous Guides to the Register have been published, one in 1997 and another in 2003. The third version of the Guide is presented in this article and is based on the experience gained and development of the profession since the last revision. Registration is valid for 5 years and the procedure and criteria for re-registration are presented as an Appendix at the end of the article.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Elméleti orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Clinical Chemistry And Laboratory Medicine. - 48 : 7 (2010), p. 999-1008. -
További szerzők:Zérah, Simone Hallworth, Michael Schuff-Werner, Peter Haushofer, Alexander Szekeres, Thomas Wallemacq, Pierre Tzatchev, Kamen Charilaou, Charis Racek, Jaroslav Johnsen, Anders Tomberg, Karel Harmoinen, Aimo Baum, Hannsjörg Rizos, Demetrios Kappelmayer János (1960-) (laboratóriumi szakorvos) O'Mullane, John Nubile, Giuseppe Pupure, Silvija Kucinskiene, Zita Opp, Matthias Jansen, Rob Solnica, Bogdan Reguengo, Henrique Grigore, Camelia Špaňár, Július Štrakl, Greta Queralto, Josep Wallinder, Hans Wieringa, Gijsbert
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