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001-es BibID:BIBFORM018666
Első szerző:Imrek József
Cím:Development of an FPGA-based data acquisition module for small animal PET / J. Imrek, D. Novák, Gy. Hegyesi, G. Kalinka, J. Molnár, J. Végh, L. Balkay, M. Emri, G. Molnár, L. Trón, I. Bagaméry, T. Bükki, S. Rózsa, Zs. Szabó, A. Kerek
Megjegyzések:Abstract: We report on the design of a data acquisition (DAQ) module for a small animal PET camera developed at our institutes. During the design an important guideline was to develop a system which is built up from strictly identical DAQ modules, and which has no built-in hardware limitation on the maximum number of modules. The developed DAQ module comprises of an LSO scintillator crystal block, a position sensitive PMT, analog signal conditioning circuits, a digitizer, an field programmable gate array (FPGA) for digital signal processing, and a communication module through which the collected data are sent to a cluster of computers for postprocessing and storage. Instead of implementing hardware coincidence detection between the modules, we attach a precise time stamp to each event in our design, and the coincidence is determined by the data collecting computers during postprocessing. The digital CFD algorithm implemented in the FPGA gives a time resolution of 2 ns FWHM for real detector signals.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok konferenciacikk
Megjelenés:IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. - 53 : 5 (2006), p. 2698-2703. -
További szerzők:Novák Dezső Imre (1971-) (villamosmérnök) Hegyesi Gyula (1963-) (villamosmérnök) Kalinka Gábor Molnár József (1954-) (villamosmérnök) Végh János (1953-) (fizikus) Balkay László (1963-) (biofizikus) Emri Miklós (1962-) (fizikus) Molnár Gergely (1979-) (informatikus) Trón Lajos (1941-) (biofizikus) Bagaméry István Bükki Tamás Rózsa Sándor (villamosmérnök) Szabó Zsolt (1963-) (fizikus) Kerék András (fizikus)
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