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001-es BibID:BIBFORM018699
Első szerző:Bodnár Réka Kata (geográfus)
Cím:Tourist Aspects of Assessing Landscape Change / Réka Kata Bodnár
Megjegyzések:Main aim of this paper is to reduce the subjectivity of assessing landscapes by studies of exact, however, rarely used methods. In this way, we also would like to call attention to landscape destruction. The first example shows that 3D digital elevation models (DEM) created by geoinformatic methods can reveal visually the grade of landscape alteration. The other method is based on the well known GIS softwares with the difference that a horizontal image is the starting base. The principle and technical background of photo analysis is the same, only the point of view is different corresponding to the demands of the end users (e.g. tourism). Practical advantage of these methods occurs not only in tourism but in landscape historical, landscape aesthetic analyses, landscape planning and land-use or in seasonal habitat studies of vegetation.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Földtudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
3 dimensional digital elevation model
landscape changing
landscape reconstruction
landscape indicators
landscape aesthetics
landscape marketing
Balaton Uplands
Megjelenés:GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites. - 1 : 7 (2011), p. 39-50. -
További szerzők:Bodnár Réka Kata (1979-) (geográfus)
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