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001-es BibID:BIBFORM019156
Első szerző:Galántai Rita
Cím:Does malaoxon play a role in the geno- and cytotoxic effects of malathion on human choriocarcinoma cells? / Rita Galántai, Blanka Emődy-Kiss, Zoltán Somosy, Gabriella Bognár, Győző Horváth, Zsolt Forgács, András Gachályi, Mária Szilasi
Megjegyzések:This investigation was undertaken to elucidate whether the active metabolite of malathion, malaoxon, has any role in exerting cyto- and genotoxic effects for human choriocarcinoma (JAR) cell line which is an acceptable model for human placental cells. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis were separately performed on the cell compartment and supernatant cell culture medium after subjecting the cell line to different malathion concentrations (10-400 mikrog/mL) and for various incubation periods (0.5 to 24 hours). GC-MS analysis showed that the sonication performed for the disruption of the cells did not cause the chemical change of malathion. The uptake of malathion by the cells was relatively fast. However, the presence of malaoxon, even in trace amounts, could not be confirmed either in samples originating from disrupted cells or in the cell culture medium. Although the hydrolysis of malaoxon occurred in the culture medium, this degradation process could not be counted as a reason for the absence of malaoxon. Since both malathion and malaoxon standard compounds could be accurately detected and distinguished by the applied liquid-liquid extraction and GC-MS methods, one can conclude that, in the case of JAR cells, the parent compound, (i.e. malathion itself) is responsible for the observed in vitro cyto- and genotoxic effects. Our results indicate that the direct toxicity of malathion contributes to the complications of pregnancy observed for environmental malathion exposure.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Journal of Environmental Science and Health. Part B. - 46 : 8 (2011), p. 773-779. -
További szerzők:Emődy-Kiss Blanka Somosy Zoltán Bognár Gabriella Horváth Győző Forgács Zsolt Gachályi András Szilasi Mária (1953-) (tüdőgyógyász, klinikai immunológus, allergológus, belgyógyász)
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