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001-es BibID:BIBFORM022177
Első szerző:Szabó József (értékelemző, szakközgazda)
Cím:The future of the local television / Szabó József
Megjegyzések:The role and situation of the local media has changed significantly lately. Its main task is henceforward to work up the local information and to pass them to the resident population. Today it cannot already lean - even in indirect mode - only on the state source of finance to reach this purpose. It has to be function in market environment in that way to meet technical requirements and to be able to be up to national and thematic channels. As the civil service is every medium of the elemental part that depends on its audience - whether as customer, as subscriber or as boostconsumer use its audience, so civil service role of the local media becomes momentous as well. Civil service being in the institute counts last days, it does not fill its part and became financeless. It needs to find new solutions where it is not the purpose to support an organisation that operate complicatedly and with difficulty but the serving of the population matches the standard of the age.Such structure has to be formed according to the new idea where even bigger responsibility would encumber the ORTT, as one of his main tasks are the control of the civil service programmes, elaboration of the finance conditions. It involves a new relation too as must listen better to observance being in the programme service contract.
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Neveléstudományok előadáskivonat
local media
Megjelenés:VIII. Conference "European Culture" / ed. Enrice Banus. - p. 235-236
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
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