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001-es BibID:BIBFORM023452
Első szerző:Csűry István (nyelvész)
Cím:La description lexicale des adverbiaux dits connecteurs / Csűry István
Megjegyzések:Connectives may be defined as a function in the text structure fulfilled by units (most of them adverbials) with a procedural meaning. Lexicology seems not to be interested in a deeper investigation on this topic, thus, lexicography lacks an adequate model for the description of these linguistic items. First, the present paper deals with the issues of definitions found in dictionary entries. Although pragmatics is deeply concerned in research on connectives, we demonstrate that the results of these works are insufficient for a complete and coherent lexicological representation to be founded on. Different (lexicographical, pragmatic and corpus-based textological) representations of French connectives au contraire, par contre, de toute fa₀con and quoi qu'il en soit are compared. After summarizing the weaknesses of these approaches, we argue for a corpus-based one, pointing out in the same time the necessity of a paradigmatic treatment of connectives. A theoretical model of their lexicological description is then proposed. KEYWORDS: discourse markers, connectives, contrast, lexicology, pragmatics, corpus linguistics, French language.
ISBN:978 837 431 190 8
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Nyelvtudományok tanulmány, értekezés
Megjelenés:Methods of lexical analysis : theoretical assumptions and practical applications / eds. K. Bogacki, J. Cholewa, A. Rozumko. - p. 89-101. -
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
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