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001-es BibID:BIBFORM029672
Első szerző:Perényi Szilvia (sportszervező)
Cím:On the fields, in the stands, in front of the TV - value orientation of youth based on participation in, and consumption of, sports / Perényi Szilvia
Megjegyzések:Fundamental pillars of society were gaining new meanings in Hungary during the transition from state socialism to market economy which began in 1989. This has also resulted in changes in societal norms and in personal human values. Sport, as a societal subsystem, also needed to redefine its institutions and establish the new meanings of its functions. Trends in the value orientation of the Hungarian youth population have been described in previous studies but not in relation to youth's involvement in sport. This study aims to analysevalue priorities of those participating in sports, attending sporting events or watching such events on television, in comparison to those who are not involved. Lineal regression modelling is used in the analyses on a national representative sample of Hungarian youth aged 14-29. The involvement in participating in, attending, and watching sports correlates with one other; however, the related value orientation demonstrates a paradox. Youth participating in sports and watching sporting events on television show close affiliation to postmodern, selfdirection values. Those attending sporting events report higher preference for materialistic and traditional values.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Szociológiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
sport consumption
sport participation
societal transition
human values
Megjelenés:European Journal for Sport and Society. - 7 : 1 (2010), p. 41-52. -
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