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001-es BibID:BIBFORM029719
Első szerző:Baker, R. E.
Cím:Peripheral reinnervation patterns and dorsal root ganglion cell topograpy in skin-grafted Rana pipiens frogs / Baker R. E., Matesz K., Urban L.
Megjegyzések:Behavioral responses to mechanical stimulation of the skin were observed in unoperated, 180 degrees skin-rotated and sham-grafted Rana pipiens frogs before and after crushing various cutaneous nerve bundles. In the two control groups, wiping responses directed towards the animal's dorsum were mediated solely via dorsomedial (DM) and dorsolateral (DL) nerve trunks. In skin-rotated frogs, DM and DL nerve trunks were responsible for almost all of the misdirected responses elicited from dorsal cutaneous areas. Six frogs (2 sham- and 4 skin-rotated) possessed some areas of plical skin from which responses could only have been mediated via more ventrally located nerve trunks. However, such dorsal expansions of ventral receptive fields never included the midline skin areas from which misdirected responses had been elicited in the intact animal. The topographic arrangement of cells within the DRG appears to be weakly polarized in cobalt-stained sections, but with large individual variations in size and observed number of neuronal profiles. For the skin-rotated group the ratio of cobalt-filled profiles in the dorsal as compared with the ventral half of the ganglion was 1.6, which did not differ significantly from the control value of 1.9. Taken as a whole, the results of the present study indicate that selective (re)innervation of displaced skin by the original nerve fibers cannot explain the origin of misdirected responses in Rana pipiens.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Elméleti orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Brain Research Bulletin. - 7 : 6 (1981), p. 635-638. -
További szerzők:Matesz Klára (1949-) (anatómus, neurobiológus) Urbán László (London, UK)
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