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001-es BibID:BIBFORM032449
Első szerző:Kovács Zita (informatikus)
Cím:A Haskell implementation of an attack on Dömösi's cryptosystem / Zita Kovács, Andor Pénzes
Megjegyzések:In this paper we introduce an implementation of an attack on a practical stream cipher based on a finite automata without outputs. For encryption and decryption the apparatus uses the same secret keys, which have the transition matrix of a key-automaton without outputs and with an initial state and final states. This cryptosystem called Dömösi cryptosystem from its maker. First, we introduce the system and its restrictions and we introduce the attack, which is based on probability theory and create equivalent classes. The attack's result an automaton which has equivalent functions to the cryptosystem's key-automaton. To verify our results we developed a computer program which is implementing the attack. This article is about this implementation.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Matematika- és számítástudományok előadáskivonat
Megjelenés:8th Joint Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science MaCS 2010 : Komárno, Slovakia, July 14-17, 2010 : selected papers / ed. Horia F. Pop, Antal Bege. - p. 311-322. -
További szerzők:Pénzes Andor
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