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001-es BibID:BIBFORM033609
Első szerző:Hübner, W.
Cím:Laparoscopic implantation of temporary electrodes for bladder stimulation in dogs / Hübner W. A., Plas E. G., Pflüger H., Hauck M., Miko I., Furka I.
Megjegyzések:Five female mongrel dogs were used in an acute animal experiment. Under general anesthesia two monopolar wire electrodes armed with needles on either side were implanted into the bladder wall, the leads of both electrodes were then pulled through the abdominal wall. Filling of the bladder and intravesical pressure measurement were achieved through a suprapublic percutaneous cystostomy. Electrostimulation was carried out using the XEJ-2 experimental electroejaculator (biphasic pulses, pulse width 2.5 msec, approximately 70 mAmp, 50 Hz). The pressure changes within the bladder following electrostimulation were recorded, the effect of stimulation was observed endoscopically. Electrostimulation of the bladder wall resulted in micturition in all cases, showing an initial pressure peak at the commencement of electrostimulation followed by a decrease after onset of evacuation. We believe that laparoscopic implantation of temporary wire electrodes followed by percutaneous electrostimulation may open up new possibilities for bladder rehabilitation as well as for diagnostic investigations into the contractile capabilities of the bladder.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Neurourology and Urodynamics. - 15 : 2 (1996), p. 149-155. -
További szerzők:Plas, E. G. Pflüger H. Hauck Mátyás (biokémikus) Mikó Irén (1948-) (kutató sebész) Furka István (1935-2021) (sebész, urológus, kutatóorvos)
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