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001-es BibID:BIBFORM033710
Cím:Fuzziness : structural disorder in protein complexes / eds. Monika Fuxreiter, Peter Tompa
Megjelenés:New York : Springer, 2011
Terjedelem:214 p.
Megjegyzések:(Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology ; 725.)
Detailed characterization of fuzzy interactions will be of central importance for understanding the diverse biological functions of intrinsically disordered proteins in complex eukaryotic signaling networks. In this volume, Peter Tompa and Monika Fuxreiter have assembled a series of papers that address the issue of fuzziness in molecular interactions. These papers provide a broad overview of the phenomenon of fuzziness and provide compelling examples of the central role played by fuzzy interactions in regulation of cellular signaling processes and in viral infectivity. These contributions summarize the current state of knowledge in this new field and will undoubtedly stimulate future research that will further advance our understanding of fuzziness and its role in biomolecular interactions.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Kémiai tudományok szerkesztés, szöveggondozás
További szerzők:Tompa Péter Fuxreiter Mónika (1969-) (kutató vegyész) Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology
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