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001-es BibID:BIBFORM034573
035-os BibID:(Scopus)0023092646 (WoS)A1987G302900025 (PMID)3028538
Első szerző:Kienast, Joachim
Cím:Sodium fluoride mimics effects of both agonists and antagonists on intact human platelets by simultaneous modulation of phospholipase C and adenylate cyclase activity / Joachim Kienast, Jef Arnout, György Pfliegler, Hans Deckmyn, Bernard Hoet, Jos Vermylen
Megjegyzések:Using intact human platelets, we studied the effect of sodium fluoride (NaF) on platelet aggregation and release reaction and correlated the functional changes to intracellular events specific for either agonist-induced or antagonist-induced platelet responses. At lower concentrations, with a peak activity between 30 and 40 mmol/L, NaF induced aggregation and release of adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP) that was associated with increased formation of inositol phosphates, a rise in cytosolic free Ca2+, and phosphorylation of 20-kd and 40-kd proteins. At NaF concentrations greater than 40 mmol/L, aggregation and ATP release decreased dose-dependently in parallel with a decrease in Ca2+ mobilization, whereas neither inositol phosphate formation nor 40-kd protein phosphorylation was reduced. At these concentrations, NaF caused a dose-dependent transient rise in platelet cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cAMP) levels that was sufficient to account for the observed reduction in Ca2+ mobilization, aggregation, and ATP release. Stimulated cAMP levels started declining rapidly within 30 seconds of addition of NaF, however. Similarly, prostacyclin (PGI2)-induced cAMP accumulation was temporarily enhanced but subsequently suppressed by NaF, suggesting either stimulation of a cAMP phosphodiesterase or delayed inhibition of adenylate cyclase. Evidence for the latter was provided by the finding that NaF pretreatment of platelets resulted in partial inhibition of PGI2-stimulated cAMP formation in the presence of the cAMP phosphodiesterase inhibitor 3-isobutyl-1-methyl-xanthine (MIX). We conclude that NaF exerts a dual (stimulatory and inhibitory) effect on adenylate cyclase in intact platelets that is accompanied by simultaneous activation of a phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C; in addition, a cAMP phosphodiesterase may be activated.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
külföldön készült közlemény
Megjelenés:Blood. - 69 : 3 (1987), p. 859-866. -
További szerzők:Arnout, Jef Pfliegler György (1949-) (belgyógyász, hematológus, labor szakorvos) Deckmyn, Hans Hoet, Bernard Vermylen, Jozef
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
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