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001-es BibID:BIBFORM034686
Első szerző:Krompecher István (anatómus, kötőszövetbiológus)
Cím:Data To The Histochemistry And Biochemistry Of Ulcus Cruris (Varicose Ulcer) / Krompecher István, Szodoray Lajos
Megjegyzések:The authors report on the results of the examinations made in tissue specimensexcised from 16 patients with crural ulcer. It is suggested that a circulatorydisturbance is in the centre of the pathogenesis of crural ulcer which leads tohypoxaemia and oxygen deficiency in the tissues. The histological pictures showthe known pattern of distended, congested capillaries. It has been found that,as compared to that of the normal skin, the lactic acid content of the skin ofpatients with crural ulcer is increased 2- to 3-fold. A significant increase has alsobeen found in the biochemically determined mucopolysaccharide content of theskin-tissue. The latter could be demonstrated histochemically, too, inasmuch asacid and neutral mucopolysaccharides could be disclosed to be present in significantquantities.The development of the ulcer, its poor tendency to healing, the impairmentof circulation, the histological and histochemical changes, the high lactic acidconcentration and the increase of mucopolysaccharides unequivocally indicatethat the metabolism of the skin has shifted from the oxybiotic (having been inthe foreground earlier) toward the glycolytic, fermentative metabolism. Thisshift is considered to be a biological adaptation of the tissue.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok konferenciacikk
Ulcus Cruris
Megjelenés:Symposia Biologica Hungarica. - 3 (1964), p. 93-98. -
További szerzők:Szodoray Lajos (1904-1980) (bőrgyógyász)
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
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