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001-es BibID:BIBFORM036713
Első szerző:Bögel Gábor
Cím:Frank-ter Haar syndrome protein Tks4 regulates EGF-dependent cell migration / Gábor Bögel, Annamária Gujdár, Miklós Geiszt, Árpád Lányi, Anna Fekete, Szabolcs Sipeki, Julian Downward, László Buday
Megjegyzések:Mutations in the SH3PXD2B gene coding for the Tks4 protein are responsible for the autosomal-recessive Frank-ter Haar syndrome. Tks4, a substrate of Src tyrosine kinase is implicated in the regulation of podosome formation. Here, we report a novel role for Tks4 in the EGF signalling pathway. In EGF-treated cells, Tks4 is tyrosine phosphorylated and associated with the activated EGF receptor. This association is not direct but requires the presence of Src tyrosine kinase. In addition, treatment of cells with LY294002, an inhibitor of PI 3-kinase, or mutations of the PX domain reduces tyrosine phosphorylation and membrane translocation of Tks4. Furthermore, a PX domain mutant (R43W) Tks4 carrying a reported point mutation in a Frank-ter Haar syndrome patient showed aberrant intracellular expression and reduced phosphoinositide binding. Finally, silencing of Tks4 was shown to markedly inhibit HeLa cell migration in a Boyden chamber assay in response to EGF or serum. Our results therefore reveal a new function for Tks4 in the regulation of growth factor-dependent cell migration.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Elméleti orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
EGF receptor
cell migration
Frank-ter Haar syndrome
PX domain
Molekuláris Medicina
Megjelenés:Journal Of Biological Chemistry. - 287 : 37 (2012), p. 31321-31329. -
További szerzők:Gujdár Annamária Geiszt Miklós Lányi Árpád (1962-) (biológus, immunológus) Fekete Anna Sipeki Szabolcs Downward, Julian Buday László
Pályázati támogatás:TÁMOP-4.2.1/B-09/1/KONV-2010-0007
A HOFI/SH3PXD2B aktin citoszkeletont szabályozó új adaptor fehérje funkcionális vizsgálata
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