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001-es BibID:BIBFORM037684
Első szerző:Hofgárt Gergely (neurológus)
Cím:Observations with a new movement-monitoring device in rehabilitation of stroke patients / Hofgárt Gergely, Vér Csilla, Szima Gábor, Csiba László
Megjegyzések:Background: Our team developed a small, wireless device for easy measuring of 3-d acceleration and movement-duration of paretic limbs. The Aims were to validate its usefulness and compare the data with stroke scales on bedridden, hemiparetic, acute stroke patients.Methods: Data of 50 acute, severely hemiparetic, bedridden acute stroke pts. (mean age: 59 yrs min: 29, max 76, mean NIHSS on admission: 6,8 min: 1, max: 21) will be presented. The small, battery driven devices were attached to the paretic and nonparetic limbs and any movements and movement-durations were registered (24/7), wireless and analyzed by our program: spectra of daily and night movements, increasing or decreasing trends of movement-amounts, quantitative comparison of changes of paretic and non-paretic limbs. The data of movement-monitors were compared also with the changes of NIHSS, European Stroke Scale and Barré-Mingazzini, wrist extension tests etc).Results: The device sensitively detected the movement-differences between paretic and non-paretic limbs, daily and night periods (meals, round visit, visitors) including the sudden, unexpected events (fall, excitation etc.). The subclinical paresis could be detected and the intensity and duration of passive and active physicotherapy controlled not only real-time but also retrospectively.The data collected by the movement-monitor showed significant correlation with the changes of stroke scales both for the improving and non-improving patients (P 0.01).Conclusion: Our device has multipurpose applications. Besides alarm-function, it can be used for quantitative evaluation of improvement/worsening of paresis and efficacy of physicotherapy and also for elaboration of individualized rehabilitation strategy.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idézhető absztrakt
Egészség- és Környezettudomány
Megjelenés:Cerebrovascular Diseases. - 31 : Suppl.2 (2011), p. 189-190. -
További szerzők:Vér Csilla (1985-) (neurológus) Szima Gábor Csiba László (1952-) (neurológus, pszichiáter)
Pályázati támogatás:TÁMOP-4.2.1/B-09/1/KONV-2010-0007
Vascularis rizikó- és stroke betegek vizsgálata
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