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001-es BibID:BIBFORM039202
Első szerző:Szabó Zoltán (belgyógyász, reumatológus)
Cím:Differences in the changes of allergen-specific IgE serum levels and the chemiluminescence of peripheral blood phagocytes in patients with a llergic rhinoconjunctivitis during the ragweed season / Zoltán Szabó, Mária Szilasi, László Brúgós, Sándor Szántó, Ildikó Kovács, Mariann Széles, Gabriella Lakos, Péter Antal-Szalmás, István Édes, Sándor Sipka
Megjegyzések:The objective of this study was to compare the changes in the values of allergen-specific serum IgE levels and zymosan-induced whole blood chemiluminescence (CL) in 41 patients who had exclusively only ragweed allergy in the season of acute symptoms of disease in July, August and September. All patients had allergic rhinitis or rhinoconjunctivitis. Each patient was investigated as a self-control. The ragweed-specific IgE levels were measured by enzyme immunoassay (EIA). The luminol amplified zymosan-induced CL of whole human blood was detected. The allergen-specific serum IgE levels showed slight, but not significant, gradually increasing elevations during the whole season. On the other hand, significant increases were found in the values of the basal but especially in the zymosan-stimulated CL of peripheral blood phagocytes during the acute phase of allergy. Both the basal and the zymosan-induced CL reflected significantly the activated state of the immune system. These observations clearly show that there are well detectable signs of the systemic activation of the immune system in allergic rhinoconjunctivitis beside the local alterations. In addition, the measurements of the basal and zymosan-induced CL of peripheral phagocytes could clearly reflect the clinical state of disease in vitro.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Immunology letters. - 74 : 3 (2000), p. 201-205. -
További szerzők:Szilasi Mária (1953-) (tüdőgyógyász, klinikai immunológus, allergológus, belgyógyász) Brugós László (1951-) (tüdőgyógyász, klinikai immunológus, allergológus) Szántó Sándor (1968-) (belgyógyász, reumatológus) Kovács Ildikó Széles Mariann Lakos Gabriella (1963-) (laboratóriumi szakorvos, transzfúziológus, immunológus) Antal-Szalmás Péter (1968-) (laboratóriumi szakorvos) Édes István (1952-) (kardiológus) Sipka Sándor (1945-) (laboratóriumi szakorvos)
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