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001-es BibID:BIBFORM044357
Első szerző:Keczánné Üveges Andrea (vegyész)
Cím:Reactive Polymer Nanoparticles for Restoration Materials in Dentistry / A. Uveges, K. Bukovinszki, M. Szaloki, C. Hegedus, J. Borbely
Megjegyzések:Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the influence of modified resin usingreactive polymer nanoparticles on physical properties of filling materials such as flexuralmodulus, flexural stress and polymerization shrinkage of different composites. Methods:Model compounds applied for the resin modification were prepared from styrene (ST) andethyleneglycol dimethacrylate (EDM) by free-radical copolymerization reaction in solution.The azobis(isobutironitrile) (AIBN) initiator was applied and the reactions were carried outat 60oC . The copolymer samples were analyzed with GPC , DLS, TEM and NMR methods.The resin component of C harisma Flow Line composite was used as reference. Theflexural stress and flexural modulus analysis were done on INSTRON 4302 instrument, andthe polymerization shrinkage was analyzed by mercury dilatometer method. Results: Wehave found that molecular weight (Mw) (20-3100 kDa) and the hydrodynamic diameter(18-100 nm) increased with increasing reaction time (30-340 min). The measurement ofthe pendant double bonds showed that the concentration of the reactive groups increased(23, 41, 60 and 91%) with increasing EDM ratio in the feed (ST/EDM 90/10, 70/30, 30/70and 10/90). Both flexural modulus and flexural stress of composite increased withincreasing reactive group concentration of copolymers. The polymerization shrinkage ofmodified composite was less than that of C harisma Flow Line. C onclusions: The reactivecopolymer nanoparticles can be "co-resin" for new modified composites. Support: Thework was supported by RET (Grant of Regional University Knowledge C enter) contractnumber (RET-06/432/2004) and by ElizaNor Polymers LLC , NJ, USA.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Kémiai tudományok idézhető absztrakt
restoration materilas
Megjelenés:Journal of Dental Research. - 85 (2006), p. 0299. -
További szerzők:Bukovinszky Katalin (1973-) (egyetemi tanársegéd, fogszakorvos) Szalóki Melinda (1981-) (vegyész) Hegedűs Csaba (1953-) (fogszakorvos) Borbély János (1950-) (vegyész)
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