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001-es BibID:BIBFORM044498
Első szerző:Makádi Marianna (biológus)
Cím:Digestate: A new nutrient source : review / Makádi Marianna, Tomócsik Attila, Orosz Viktória
Megjegyzések:The use of anaerobic digestion for treatment of solid and liquid organic wastes has vastlyincreased world-wide. The by-product of this process is the digestate, a liquid or solidmaterial with high nutrient and organic matter content. These properties of the digestatemake possible to use it as plant nutrients and to characterize it as a fertilizer. On the otherhand, a biomass, reach in recalcitrant molecules is characterized by a high biologicalstability degree which is suitable for soil improving. The utilization of digestate as fertilizerprovides economic and environmental benefits because of its higher stabile organic mattercontent, the hygienization effect of anaerobic digestion process and the reduced quantity ofthe artificial fertilizers needs for plant production. Moreover, the alkaline pH of digestatecould contribute to the decrease of soil acidification, which is a serious problem of theworld. Using digestate in place of artificial fertilizers could contribute to maintain thefertility of soil.As the results show, the digestate application in solid or liquid form could result significantimprovement of the quantity and quality of foods through the even nutrient supplyharmonizing with the necessity of plants and through its microelement content in theavailable forms for plants. In this way, digestate application in agriculture could contributeto the healthy life of humans. Microbiological activity of soil could be increased by application of digestate which is alsoan important condition of soil fertility.Beyond these "classical" application possibilities of digestate, there are new promisingalternatives for its utilization which means more opportunities to use this valuable matterfor making better our environment and our life.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Környezettudományok könyvfejezet
Megjelenés:Biogas / ed. Sunil Kumar. - p. 295-310. -
További szerzők:Tomócsik Attila (1978-) (környezetgazdálkodási agrármérnök) Orosz Viktória (1981-) (környezetgazdálkodási agrármérnök)
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