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001-es BibID:BIBFORM044679
Első szerző:Papp Zoltán (fizikus)
Cím:Sensitive method for the determination of 18F attached to aerosol particles in the air of PET-laboratories. In The 5th aerosol conference of the Hungarian Aerosol Society (HAS) Szeged, October 5-6 2000 / Papp Zoltán, Uray Iván
Megjegyzések:Positron emission tomography (PET) is one of the most modern image-creating medical diagnostic tools nowadays.The essence of this method is to introduce some suitable compound labeled with a short half life positron emittingradioactive isotope into the body and to use tomographic image-creating procedure for the observation of the -photonsoriginating by couples in the annihilation of the positrons and leaving their place of origin in opposite directions. Themost often used PET-isotope all over the world is 18F that can be produced in the amount necessary for the investigationby using particle accelerator (cyclotron) bombarding a suitable target by a beam of particles accelerated to high energy.Nowadays the 18O(p,n)18F reaction is used most of all for the production of 18F. After this the isotope has to be built intoa suitable compound such as 18F-deoxyglucose (FDG). A multiple-stage radiochemical procedure is used for thispurpose. Because of the short half life (109.8 min) the cyclotron, the chemical laboratories and the examination rooms areset close to each other in one block.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Fizikai tudományok absztrakt
Positron emission tomography
aerosol particles
Megjelenés:Journal Of Aerosol Science. - 32 (2001), p. 1026-1026. -
További szerzők:Uray Iván
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
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