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001-es BibID:BIBFORM046503
035-os BibID:PMID:15526367
Első szerző:Sári Réka (farmakológus)
Cím:Ethanol inhibits the motility of rabbit sphincter of Oddi in vitro / Réka Sári, Attila Pálvölgyi, Zoltán Rakonczay Jr, Tamás Takács, János Lonovics, László Czakó, Zoltán Szilvássy, Péter Hegyi
Megjegyzések:AIM: The role of the sphincter of Oddi (SO) in ethanol(ETOH)-induced pancreatitis is controversial. Our aim wasto characterise the effect of ETOH on basal and stimulatedSO motility.METHODS: SOs removed from white rabbits were placedin an organ bath (Krebs solution, pH7.4, 37 ). The effectsof 2 mL/L, 4 mL/L, 6 mL/L and 8 mL/L of ETOH on thecontractile responses of the sphincter were determined.SOs were stimulated with either 0.1 ?mol/L carbachol, 1?mol/L erythromycin or 0.1 ?mol/L cholecystokinin (CCK).RESULTS: ETOH at a dose of 4 mL/L significantly decreasedthe baseline contractile amplitude from 11.98?0.05 mN to11.19?0.07 mN. However, no significant changes in thecontractile frequency were observed. ETOH (0.6%)significantly decreased both the baseline amplitude and thefrequency compared to the control group (10.50?0.01 mN,12.13?0.10 mN and 3.53?0.13 c/min, 5.5?0.13 cycles(c)/min,respectively). Moreover, 0.8% of ETOH resulted in completerelaxation of the SO. Carbachol (0.1 ?mol/L) or erythromycin(1 ?mol/L) stimulated the baseline amplitudes (by 82%and 75%, respectively) and the contractile frequencies(by 150% and 106%, respectively). In the carbachol orerythromycin-stimulated groups 2-6 mL/L of ETOH significantlyinhibited both the amplitude and the frequency. Interestingly,a 4-5 min administration of 6 mL/L ETOH suddenly andcompletely relaxed the SO. CCK (0.1 ?mol/L) stimulatedthe baseline amplitude from 12.37?0.05 mN to 27.40?1.82mN within 1.60?0.24 min. After this peak, the amplitudedecreased to 17.17?0.22 mN and remained constant duringthe experiment. The frequency peaked at 12.8?0.2 c/min,after which the constant frequency was 9.43?0.24 c/minthroughout the rest of the experiment. ETOH at a doseof 4 mL/L significantly decreased the amplitude from16.13?0.23 mN to 14.93?0.19 mN. However, no significantchanges in the contractile frequency were observed. ETOHat a dose of 6 mL/L inhibited both the amplitudes and thefrequencies in the CCK-stimulated group, while 8 mL/L ofETOH completely relaxed the SO.CONCLUSION: ETOH strongly inhibits the basal, carbachol,erythromycin, and CCK-stimulated rabbit SO motility.Therefore, it is possible that during alcohol-intake therelaxed SO opens the way for pancreatic fluid to flow outinto the duodenum in rabbits. This relaxation of the SOmay protect the pancreas against alcohol-induced damage.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Gyógyszerészeti tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
effect of ETOH
Megjelenés:World Journal of Gastroenterology. - 10 : 23 (2004), p. 3470-3474. -
További szerzők:Pálvölgyi Attila Rakonczay Zoltán Jr. Takács Tamás (Szeged) Lonovics János (Szeged) Czakó László Szilvássy Zoltán (1957-) (belgyógyász, farmakológus, klinikai farmakológus) Hegyi Péter Jenő (belgyógyász)
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