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001-es BibID:BIBFORM046541
Első szerző:Ésik Olga
Cím:Characteristics of radiogenic lower motor neurone disease, a possible link with a preceding viral infection / Ésik, O., Vönöczky, K., Lengyel, Z., Sáfrány, G., Trón, L.
Megjegyzések:To investigate the pathogenesis of the rare radiogenic lower motor neurone disease (LMND) on the basis of a meta-analysis of the published case histories. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The authors reviewed 47 well-documented radiogenic LMND cases from the English literature. RESULTS: The disease typically occurs following the irradiation of radiosensitive cancers situated near the spinal cord. It arises predominantly (46 cases) in the lower extremities; only one case involved the upper extremities. There is a male predominance (male:female ratio 7.8:1), and the patients are characteristically young (13-40 years, with four exceptions). An overdose does not seem to be a particular risk factor for the development of the disease, as total dose, fraction size and biologically effective dose are typically below 50 Gy, 2 Gy and 128 Gy2, respectively, which are regarded as safe doses. Other risk factors (chemotherapy, operations, etc) have been identified only rarely. Radiogenic LMND is manifested in an apparently random manner, 4-312 (mean 48.7) months after the completion of radiotherapy. DISCUSSION: The complete lack of a dose-effect relationship argues strongly against a pure radiogenic nature of the pathological process. The latency period is typically several years and it varies extremely, which excludes a direct and complete causal relationship between radiotherapy and LMND. As the interaction of ionizing radiation with living tissues is highly unspecific, thus a selective motor injury due to irradiation alone, without comparable effects on the sensory and vegetative fibers, seems improbable.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Spinal Cord. - 42 : 2 (2004), p. 99-105. -
További szerzők:Vönöczky Katalin Lengyel Zsolt (nukleáris medicina szakorvos) Sáfrány Géza (Pécs; Budapest) Trón Lajos (1941-) (biofizikus)
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