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001-es BibID:BIBFORM046844
Első szerző:Rákosi György (nyelvész)
Cím:Down with obliques? / Rákosi György
Megjegyzések:Having briefly overviewed the grammar of two types of with-phrases, I have concluded that instrumentals are best treated as adjuncts across the board (3), but a distinction has to be made between comitative arguments of reciprocal social verbs (4a) and comitative adjuncts that freely appear with agentive predicates (4b). (3) a. John cut the meat with a knife. b. John wrote the letter with a pen.(4) a. John corresponded with Kate. b. John sang with Kate.On the whole, these results give support to the program that Zaenen and Crouch (2009) recommends: semantically marked PPs can generally be treated as syntactic adjuncts. The comitative scene only reminds us that there may be certain well-definable classes of verbs which do contain se-mantically marked obliques on their argument list. That conclusion is necessitated by observable grammatical differences between comitative adjuncts and arguments, and, as I have tried to show, this distinction may only add to parsing efficiency rather than decrease it.These conclusions are at odds with the classical LFG approach by Bres-nan (1982), or its revised version by Needham and Toivonen (2011). (19) a. John corresponded with Kate. < Agent, Comitative > b. John sang. < Agent > c. John sang with Kate. < Agent, Comitative >In this analysis, all semantically marked obliques are introduced at the level of argument structure. That makes it non-trivial to account for the observed differences between what I call here comitative arguments and comitative adjuncts, for the two argument structures in (19a) and (19c) are technically non-distinct. Needham and Toivonen (2011: 413) propose that arguments listed in the basic argument structure of a verb (19a-b) have a different status than what they call derived arguments of non-basic predicates (the comitative in (19c)). But it is not obvious how the difference between basic and derived arguments can be captured in LFG, unless one is ready to mark the latter category by some non-canonical feature specification. The approach I suggest here in the footsteps of Zaenen and Crouch (2011) is to treat all but some specific classes of semantically marked PPs as adjuncts, rather than semantic arguments realized as syntactic obliques. This is not to deny that, as Needham and Toivonen (2011) carefully show, all semantically marked PPs tend to be characterized by a mixture of adjunct and argument properties, and their argument properties must also be accounted for. This target, however, can possibly be reached by assuming that such PP adjuncts receive thematic specification. I argue for such an analysis in Rákosi (2006), and similar claims have been made by Webb (2008) and Hurst (2010) in the LFG literature.
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Nyelvtudományok könyvfejezet
Nyelvtechnológia és Bioetika
Megjelenés:From Quirky Case to Representing Space : Papers in Honor of Annie Zaenen / Tracy Holloway King, Valeria de Paiva (szerk.). - p. 127-138. -
Pályázati támogatás:TÁMOP-4.2.1/B-09/1/KONV-2010-0007
A magyar nyelv korpusz alapú vizsgálata a lexikai-funkcionális grammatika keretében
K 72983
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