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001-es BibID:BIBFORM046864
Első szerző:Fülöp Tamás (népegészségügyi szakember, egészségfejlesztő)
Cím:Age-dependent changes in transmembrane signalling : identification of G proteins in human lymphocytes and polymorphonuclear leukocytes / Fulop Tamás, Barabas György, Varga Zsuzsa, József Csongor, Csabina Sándor, Szucs Sándor, Seres Ildikó, Szikszay Edit, Jeney Zsolt, Penyige András
Megjegyzések:In human neutrophils (PMNLs) we found that in the elderly IP3 formation was significantly decreased compared to that of young subjects. For FMLP receptor binding affinity and number no measurable differences occurred upon ageing, studying both the low or the high affinity receptors. The amount of ADP-ribosylated G proteins, catalysed by pertussis toxin (PT) or cholera toxin (CT), was significantly increased in PMNLs of the elderly. In lymphocytes, the PT-catalysed ADP ribosylation of G proteins was also increased with ageing, while the CT-catalysed ribosylation was decreased. The autoradiogram of [32P]ADP-ribosylated proteins by CT in lymphocytes of young individuals showed a major polypeptide of 40,000 M(r). In contrast, in lymphocytes of the elderly, the major polypeptide was 45,000 M(r). In PMNLs, CT labelled quite strongly the 45,000 M(r) band, mainly in the elderly. When PT was used, no age-related pattern changes could be demonstrated, while differences could be observed between the two types of cells. The use of antiserum P680 (G alpha common) showed no age-related pattern changes, while the intensity of the labelled proteins varies with age and cell type. The antiserum U46 (Go alpha) could identify in lymphocytes of young subjects two polypeptides 68,000 and 41,000 M(r). The prominent polypeptide in lymphocytes of the elderly was the 70,000 M(r) and no other polypeptides could be recognized. In PMNLs of young subjects the U46 and serum identified a range of species. In PMNLs of the elderly all these bands were weakly labelled. The present data indicate changes in the pattern and the quantity of G proteins in lymphocytes and PMNLs of elderly subjects.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Cellular Signalling. - 5 : 5 (1993), p. 593-603. -
További szerzők:Barabás György (1933-) (sejtbiológus, molekuláris genetikus) Varga Zsuzsa (1951-) (biokémikus, nephrológus) József Csongor Csabina Sándor Szűcs Sándor (1958-) (biokémikus, vegyész) Seres Ildikó (1954-) (biokémikus) Szikszay Edit Jeney Zsolt Penyige András (1954-) (molekuláris genetikus)
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