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001-es BibID:BIBFORM047054
Első szerző:Revákné Markóczi Ibolya (biológia-kémia szakos középiskolai tanár)
Cím:Investigation of pupils' science problem solving process using knowledge space theory at primary level1 / Ibolya Revák-Markóczi
Megjegyzések:Problem solving thinking is a part of the cognitive skills which have helpedhuman beings become social individuals and which is even today an essential element ofsocialization. It is essential in life to solve social, economic and everyday problems andprotect our health and environment as well. That is why the process of teaching andlearning has to be planned in such a way that students become more and more successfulin solving problems of life. To do this we need to know the micro- and macrostructure,the process, the characteristics and influential factors of problem solving. The aimof this study is to investigate the characteristics of scientific problem solving strategiesof 9- to 10 year- olds, which was part of the ♭Rostock Model' didactic programme aiming,among others to improve the scientific thinking and positive attitude of primaryschool pupils. We evaluated the answers of Hungarian and German pupils, so our sampleinvolves 60 participating pupils from Hungary (39) and Germany (21) and 52 a controlgroup of pupils (26 Hungarian and 26 German). To investigate strategy elements wemade two problem tasks. The assessment of answers was based on knowledge space theory(KST, which is also suitable for determining the most characteristic knowledgestructures for student groups as well as critical learning pathway, the hierarchy of thecharacteristic problems and the elements of the problem solving process. According tothe results the investigated pupils are in possession of the each elements of problemsolving process but the levels of these are different. As provided by analysis, the skills ofcomposing aims, planning, implementation and assessment are based on abilities ofcomposing and understanding problems and forming hypothesis.
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Neveléstudományok tanulmány, értekezés
Megjelenés:Interdisciplinary Research in Humanities / (szerk.) Gergely Angyalosi, Ákos Münnich, Gabriella Pusztai. - p. 145-169. -
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
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