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001-es BibID:BIBFORM050306
Első szerző:Kocsi Balázs (folyamatmérnök)
Cím:Rationalization of business processes at Partner-Pont Ltd. [elektronikus dokumentum] / Balázs Kocsi, Judit Oláh
Megjegyzések:To react on environmental changes and keep step with the competitors, optimizations are needed. IT support is crucial to this, because we have to measure much factors, store them, and also have stimulations done on them. Suitable softwares which are able to run the task can cost more than a million forints, moreover learning the skills of using them is money and time consuming. Partner-Pont Ltd made baby-steps to achieve managing its processes emerging its level of effectiveness of the corporate's operation. Applied softwares are cheap, common in households and their methods can be acquired easily.By applying process modeling, process stimulation, and failure mode and effect analysis we can get a picture about the current process, detect it and recommend mending provisions to solve critical problems. Calculating the returns of the investment used on corrections, we can get a total view that can help the management making decisions. In this article we are representing the optimizing methods and results applied by the company. As a result, we have enriched a 10 percent improvement in the lead-time by one of the product's manufactoring process.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok előadáskivonat
process improvement
process model
Megjelenés:Agrárinformatika 2013 Nemzetközi Konferencia - Agricultural Informatics 2013 International Conference / [kiad. a] Magyar Agrárinformatikai Szövetség. - [7] p.
További szerzők:Oláh Judit (1973-) (agrárközgazdász, logisztika)
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