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001-es BibID:BIBFORM050462
Első szerző:Bácsné Bába Éva (bölcsésztanár, szakközgazda)
Cím:Idővizsgálatok vezetési és szervezeti folyamatokban = The researches in the managing and company activities / Bácsné Bába Éva
Megjegyzések:My research area was identifying the role of the time factor in management work, and exploring how time as a resource can serve to improve the effectiveness of the management and the company. I made the resource, managing tasks, change and reaction time separate analyses. My objective was to establish whether there is a relation between the separate analyses. Among the examined factors having correlation with each other, information, communication and human factors were the most frequent ones. I performed the claster analysis too. It became clear from the analysis that the managers find human resource, and time expenditure connected with human factors and motivation the most determining. They also qualified as important the role of obtaining inner and outer information and communication in increasing time efficiency. So, I can prove that the correlation of time and the capital of knowledge exist, and in the time factor the improvement of information technologies is present as a joint effect, and this manifests itself in communication, as well.
Tárgyszavak:Társadalomtudományok Gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok magyar nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
vezetési feladat
Megjelenés:A Virtuális Intézet Közép-Európa Kutatására Közleményei. - 4 : 5 (2012), p. 5-14. -
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
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