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001-es BibID:BIBFORM050866
035-os BibID:(Scopus)84884702192 (WoS)000326907700007
Első szerző:Clemens Béla (neurológus)
Cím:Neurophysiology of juvenile myoclonic epilepsy : EEG-based network and graph analysis of the interictal and immediate preictal states / B. Clemens, S. Puskás, M. Besenyei, T. Spisák, G. Opposits, K. Hollódy, A. Fogarasi, I. Fekete, M. Emri
Megjegyzések:INTRODUCTION: The neuronal mechanisms of enduring seizure propensity and seizure precipitation in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) are not known. We investigated these issues, within the framework of the "network concept" of epilepsy. METHODS: Design1: 19, unmedicated JME patients were compared with nineteen, age-, and sex-matched normal control persons (NC). A total of 120s, artifact-free, paroxysm-free, eyes-closed, resting state EEG background activity was analyzed for each person. Design2: interictal and immediate preictal periods of the JME patients were compared in order to explore interictal-preictal network differences. For both comparison designs, statistically significant differences of EEG functional connectivity (EEGfC), nodal and global graph parameters were evaluated. MAIN RESULTS: Design1: maximum abnormalities were: increased delta, theta, alpha1 EEGfC and decreased alpha2 and beta EEGfC in the JME group as compared to the NC group, mainly among cortical areas that are involved in sensory-motor integration. Nodal degree and efficiency of three, medial, basal frontal nodes were greater in JME than in NC, in the alpha1 band. Design2: preictal delta EEGfC showed further increase in the above-mentioned areas, as compared to the interictal state. DISCUSSION: Increased EEGfC indicates a hypercoupled state among the specified cortical areas. This interictal abnormality further increases in the preictal state. Nodal graph statistics indicates abnormal neuronal dynamics in the cortical area that is the ictal onset zone in JME. SIGNIFICANCE: Interictal and preictal neuronal dysfunction has been described in terms of network dynamics and topography in JME patients. Forthcoming investigations of seizure precipitation and therapeutic drug effects are encouraged on this basis.
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Klinikai orvostudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
Megjelenés:Epilepsy Research. - 106 : 3 (2013), p. 357-369. -
További szerzők:Puskás Szilvia (1979-) (neurológus) Bessenyei Mónika (1970-) (neurológus, csecsemő- és gyermekgyógyász) Spisák Tamás (1986-) (programtervező matematikus, informatikus) Opposits Gábor (1974-) (fizikus, szoftver fejlesztő) Hollódy Katalin (1955-) (csecsemő- és gyermekgyógyász) Fogarasi András Fekete István (1951-) (neurológus, pszichiáter) Emri Miklós (1962-) (fizikus)
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