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001-es BibID:BIBFORM052779
Első szerző:Oláh Szabolcs (irodalomtörténész)
Cím:Konzum és közöny : a Kádár-kori tévéreklámok emlékezete / Oláh Szabolcs
Megjegyzések:AbstractConsumption and insensitivity. The memory of the Kadar-era commercialsOnly some commercials will survive the original and current mission. In this case, the appeal of the imagery, the informative material projected, the melody, the slogan, the story remains, where as the original message with the former product is long gone, as well as the communist company that has been privatized. The sufficiently expressive advertisement becomes part of popular cultural memory. People will not understand the inside jokes, without the familiarity of the commercial slogans. The most popular advertisements will generate linguistic idioms, catchy tunes, and visual perceptions that are shared within the resulting community.The appearance of the VCR in the 1990s made it possible to record, rewind, fast forward, or pause the commercial instead of watching at the moment it is aired without personal control. In Western-Europe this technology developed a culture of archiving old commercials. A good example is the Ad Eaters movement founded by Jean-Marie BOURSICOT in 1981. However, in Hungary this motive of archiving was delayed due to the collective disgust from the bombardment of multinational commercials. This interest of archiving arose only with the expansion of the internet. In these early years there was only verbal discussion about the old commercials. Around 2004 the old commercials have become available on DVD, and the digitalised material was soon shared on YouTube and other social networks.In 1999 the Kadar-era commercials were remembered on the the online forums of the internet. Users of these sites were in their 20s or 30s, who watched these commercials as children on TV or in the movies. They tried to recall the fragmented images of their childhood memories. In their postings they all complained about the difficulties of recollection. The tone of their discussion was partly nostalgic, because they viewed these old commercials as the expression of individual creativity as opposed to marketing based commercial of the post-communist era.Only few internet users speak about the important fact, that these commercials influenced the collective thinking for the advantage of the communist regime. In other words these commercials were about to determine every aspects of people's lives without them noticing.
Tárgyszavak:Bölcsészettudományok Irodalom- és kultúratudományok könyvfejezet
kulturális emlékezet
marketing- és reklámkommunikáció
konvergens média
Nyelvtechnológia és Bioetika
Megjelenés:Kultpontok : Emlékezethelyek a magyar populáris kultúrában / szerk. Dunai Tamás, Oláh Szabolcs, Sebestyén Attila. - p. 42-72. -
Pályázati támogatás:TÁMOP-4.2.1/B-09/1/KONV-2010-0007
Az emlékezet medialitása, emlékezethelyek a populáris kultúrában
Internet cím:Intézményi repozitóriumban (DEA) tárolt változat
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