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001-es BibID:BIBFORM057608
Első szerző:Fekete István (élelmiszerminőség-biztosító agrármérnök)
Cím:Effects of dirt treatments on the enzyme activities of the soil in Sikfokut site / Istvan Fekete, Zsolt Kotroczó, Csaba Varga, Zsuzsa Veres, Zsolt Krakomperger, János Attila Tóth
Megjegyzések:The soil organic matter is affected among others by the quality of litter input i.e. the kind of littermaterial that is deposited on soil surface. Leaf, root and wood litter addition were applied and the effect of thesetreatments on soil enzymes activities (polyphenoloxidase, saccharase and phosphatase). The rapidly decomposingleaf and root litter had a great influence on enzyme activities. First the decomposition of fine roots affected in thecase of polyphenoloxidase and phosphatase activity. The investigations of phenoloxidase and phosphatase whichwere carried out right after the establishment of parcels, showed absolutely higher values in soil samples of NIand NR treatments in the first years. Then the leaf litter decomposition was the most important influencing factor.Later these values decreased and was exceeded by the DL (Double Litter), C (Control), DW (Double Wood)treatments, in which surface leaf-litter was added to the soil. The wood litter decomposition did not affect thepolyphenoloxidase activity substantially during the experimental period. The phosphatase activity showed thesame tendency as polyphenoloxidase, but wood litter played a greater role in phosphatase activity, and the activitydeclined rapidly in the case of root treatments. The examination of the saccharase activity was launched threeand a half years after the establishment of the plots; thus having enough time for the development of the differentecological conditions at our disposal. Significant differences were detectable between the treatments in the caseof saccharase and phosphatase.
ISBN:1584-2363 1842-7863
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Biológiai tudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény külföldi lapban
saccharase, soil enzyme activity
litter decomposition
DIRT treatments
Megjelenés:Studia Universitatis "Vasile Goldiş" : Seria Ştiinţele Vieţii. - 21 : 4 (2011), p. 779-784. -
További szerzők:Kotroczó Zsolt (1975-) (biológus, ökológus) Varga Csaba Veres Zsuzsa (1984-) (környezetkutató) Krakomperger Zsolt (1980-) (biológia tanár) Tóth János Attila (1945-) (ökológus)
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