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001-es BibID:BIBFORM057982
Első szerző:Dombrádi Viktor (egészségpolitikai szakember)
Cím:Quality management in hospitals : does it contribute to high quality of care? / Viktor Dombrádi ; assoc. prof. Sándor Gődény
Megjegyzések:Gődény Sándor témavezető
Health policy-makers all around the world are facing the problem of ever-increasing costs in health care. In addition, the demand for high quality care is greater than ever. Since there is no indication that these trends will stop in the near future, the policy-makers have to find methods to mitigate these problems. One possible solution is the development of efficient quality strategies, including external quality assessment and improvement systems that focus on clinical effectiveness, the implementation of evidence based practice, patient safety programs and clinical audit. The aim of this paper is to identify and summarize research studies which investigate the impact of different quality strategies and quality improvement methods on healthcare activities and outcomes, and to determine if these are effective clinical methods or not. For this reason, a systematic search was carried out in various databases. The literature suggests that having an external quality assessment system does contribute to better health care. However, most of the studies focus on accreditation alone, and only three relatively low sample studies compare accreditation with ISO certification. Related to clinical-effectiveness, limited relevant results were found. Health policy-makers should consider different quality models as valid methods to provide high quality of care in hospitals, but they should also be aware that the clinical effectiveness of these has not yet been proven. More outcome-oriented, high sample studies should be carried out which compare one technique to another and find out if some of them could be implemented simultaneously.
ISBN:ISSN 2241-2891
Tárgyszavak:Orvostudományok Egészségtudományok előadáskivonat
Health care
clinical effectiveness
Megjelenés:ATINER'S Conference Paper Series, No: HEA 2014-1029 / [ed. by Athens Institute for Education and Research]. - p. 3-13.
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