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001-es BibID:BIBFORM059005
Első szerző:Oláhné Téglási Ilona (matematika-fizika szakos tanár)
Cím:Mathematical competences examined on secondary school students / Téglási Ilona
Megjegyzések:First I'd like to write about the idea of mathematical competence andmake clear its components, according to the 2000 Lisbon Resolution of theEuropean Union. That, and the results of the first PISA examination implicateda development work in our country, and as a result we now have newtypes of competence-based school-books, and the methodological culture ofteachers is under reformation too. But these changes are not uniformly welcomeamong teachers. There is a kind of contradiction between traditionaland competence-based education and evaluation ? so I tried to match the twotypes with measuring the present level of competence of secondary school students,and upon that work out development methods, in which the defects ofthe knowledge can be supplied.The students solved an exercise-paper with 5 exercises (practical, playful,needs many different abilities and skills, but less knowledge, both simple andcomplex) in 45 minutes. I made two types of measurements ? a traditionallyused method which measures the mathematical achievement , and another,which measures the level of skills and competences. I analysed the resultswith comparing the achievements with the competences to show how themathematical skills prevail among achievements. I show this analysis withgraphs in my paper. According to the results of the measurement, we candeclare the main areas of development. At the end of my paper I'd like toshow how I plan the follow-up of this examination.
Tárgyszavak:Természettudományok Matematika- és számítástudományok idegen nyelvű folyóiratközlemény hazai lapban
mathematical competencies
Megjelenés:Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae. - 37 (2010), p. 241-257. -
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