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001-es BibID:BIBFORM059349
Első szerző:Szűcs Lilla (környezetgazdálkodási agrármérnök)
Cím:Effect of prp-sol soil conditioner on a heavy textured soil / Szűcs Lilla, Tuba Géza, Juhász Csaba, Zsembeli József
Megjegyzések:The effect of PRP-SOL soil conditional on soil compaction, moisture content and bulk density isstudied in a long-term soil cultivation experiment from 1997 on a heavy textured meadow chernozem soil, inreduced and conventional tillage at Karcag Research Institute. Our investigations were made in the vegetationperiod of corn, in June and after harvesting, on stubble. Soil compaction was measured with a penetrometer,the actual moisture content was determined by gravimetric method. The bulk density values of the regularlycultivated soil layer of 0-10 and 10-20 cm depths were defined from undisturbed soil samples. Theexaminations were made on 2 test plots in 5 replications in the case of each tillage system. We established thatafter 3 years the application of the soil conditioner has positive effect on soil compaction and moisture statusof the top layer in the reduced tillage system. We could not figure out this positive effect in the case ofconventional tillage.
Tárgyszavak:Agrártudományok Növénytermesztési és kertészeti tudományok poszter
soil conditioning
tillage systems
soil compaction
moisture preservation
penetration resistance
Megjelenés:Növénytermelés. - 63 : Suppl. (2014), p. 213-216. -
További szerzők:Tuba Géza (1973-) (agrármérnök, környezetgazdálkodási szakmérnők) Juhász Csaba (1962-) (környezetgazdálkodási agrármérnök) Zsembeli József (1967-) (agrármérnök)
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